Agenda item


Members deliberated a report which sought consideration of the possible introduction of a charge for kerbside garden waste collections, following consultation having been undertaken.


Members were further asked to consider, if supportive of a charge being introduced, the level of service which should be delivered and to recommend a level charge to the Corporate Policy and Resources which should be applied.


In presenting the report, Officers outlined both the legislative position and the financial position as detailed within the report.  The nature of the consultation undertaken was outlined in detail, including the numerous ways in which residents and stakeholders had been provided with an opportunity to engage and the principles which had been applied to this consultation.  Members were a given a brief presentation summarising the key outcomes of the consultation.  It was noted that all respondents had been provided with the opportunity to submit additional comments.  These comments had been grouped and the ways in which these concerns would be addressed and/or mitigated were detailed in Sections 8 – 14. In concluding and in light of the consultation response, Officers outlined details of the proposed recommended service and the other options which had been considered.


Debate ensued and in response to a number of questions posed, Officers confirmed that those residents who chose not to subscribe to the service would be encouraged to keep their bins for a period of time; for those wishing to return bins immediately a collection regime would be created, ensuring this was done in the most efficient manner.  Returned bins could be re-used or recycled and it was confirmed the depot facilities did have capacity to store these.  Those subscribing to the service would receive a welcome pack with a sticker to place on the bin, this would help the crews identify those who had paid.  In the event that bins were presented which had not subscribed, an “oops” sticker or similar method would be adopted, to politely remind the resident the service had changed and how they could subscribe.  It was also hoped to install some on board technology in the cabs to further assist the crews in identifying subscribers.


Members congratulated Officers on the comprehensive and inclusive style of consultation which had been undertaken regarding this change.  Reference was made to the number of comments and views expressed on social media in respect of this matter and Members sought and received indication as to how these had been factored into the responses received.


Members also considered it important that those wishing to subscribe were able to do so through a variety of methods. It was important the Authority feedback quickly to the electorate following any decision made, as residents were already expressing a wish to know.


Reference table 4 in the report, Officers explained the difference between the “income received” line and the “total contribution achieved” line, noting that the difference accounted for those costs associated in delivering a new service, which had to be deducted from the income generated.


As a whole the way, the consultation had been undertaken was considered to have been excellent, however, it was suggested that in future it should be ensured that the printable forms had details as to where they should be returned to included. 


It was also felt maybe a discretionary rate relief scheme could have been considered.


Members noted a minor typographical error in the proposed terms and conditions and suggested this be amended prior to release.


RESOLVED that: -


(a)          the free kerbside collections of garden waste be discontinued and the introduction of a charge for the service be approved;


(b)          Operational Services deliver the service during April to November inclusive as per Option B within the report; and


(c)          it be RECOMMENDED to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee  that an annual subscription of £35 per annum for all garden waste collections be applied and that this fee be non-refundable in full or part.



Note:         Councillors Trevor Young and Judy Rainsforth abstained from the       above vote and requested that this be recorded in the minutes.

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