Agenda item


Members of Committee were asked to give consideration to an interim report regarding the progress and actions of the Public Realm Working Group. The Enterprising Communities Manager gave a brief refresh on the purpose of the working group and explained the interim report was to update Members on the current position of the group ahead of the final report, scheduled for the November meeting. He explained the report included details of the Public Realm Survey and also information about which key organisations the group intended to invite for targeted engagement about areas of interest identified within the survey. He added that Committee was asked to note the details of the report and had the opportunity to suggest any other organisations to be approached by the working group.


The Enterprising Communities Manager advised Members that the Public Realm Survey had gone live in May and was open until the middle of August. It had been distributed to Town and Parish Councils, there had been communications to Parish Meetings and there had been an initial response from five areas. It had been anticipated that initial response rates would be slow given the length of the survey and detail required in the answers. He explained that there would be reminders sent out to all areas and District Councillors would also be requested to discuss the survey within their parishes to encourage maximum response rates.


In response to questions from Members regarding the ease of use of the survey, the Enterprising Communities Manager explained that the survey was built using certain software which, although had many benefits in terms of gathering and analysing data, did not necessarily present the ‘prettiest’ of interfaces. He explained that in communicating with towns and parishes about the survey, contact details for help and questions had also been provided. Based on feedback provided regarding one particular ward, the Enterprising Communities Manager confirmed he would contact them to discuss any concerns with their completed survey.


Members of Committee expressed their concerns that the close date of 16 August would not allow all Town and Parish Councils, and Parish Meetings, sufficient time to complete the survey. It was explained that the close date for the survey could be extended and this would be discussed within the Public Realm Working Group. It was highlighted that it would be easier to amend timescales at a later date, once it was clearer as to how many responses were coming in or whether areas were struggling to complete the questions.


There was further discussion as to whether paper copies of the survey were available and who would be responsible for completing and returning the responses. It was confirmed that paper versions of the survey had been sent out with initial communications however it was preferable that responses were submitted online. With regard to who completed the survey, it was acknowledged that this could be a clerk or a councillor although it was preferable to have one named person per response. The Enterprising Communities Manager confirmed that in sending reminder communications to all involved, he would reiterate the option to contact the team for assistance if required.


Members of Committee discussed the involvement of District Councillors and how they could usefully complete a survey when they covered several, sometimes very different, areas. It was agreed that an amended version of the survey would be distributed to all West Lindsey District Councillors so they could complete as many surveys as they needed to for their areas, rather than potentially confusing the main survey results with mixed answers.


There was further discussion regarding the importance of supporting all Town and Parish Councils and Parish Meetings to complete the survey and how the results of the survey will impact the areas of focus for the working group. It was reiterated that timescales could be reviewed and it was important to gather sufficient information to be of use. At the close of discussions the Chairman repeated the recommendations of the report and enquired for any further comments. Members of Committee agreed with the recommendations in the report but requested that an additional action be recorded for District Councillors. Therefore, it was


            RESOLVED that:


a)    Members acknowledge progress to date of the Rural Public Realm Task & Finish Group; and


b)    Members recommend that all District Councillors be requested to contribute via completion of a survey for their parishes and to encourage the Town and Parish Councils, and Parish Meetings, in their areas to complete and return the main Public Realm Survey.

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