Agenda item


The Chairman reiterated, for transparency, that all Committee Members knew the applicant. The Senior Development Management Officer advised Committee that there had been one further objection received. The objector felt the plans for the bungalow were unclear, the proposed dwelling would be overlooking the home and garden of the objector and stated that, with building work underway at another property, there would be a significant loss of open space. The Senior Development Management Officer also advised Committee that Lincolnshire County Councils Historic Environment Officer had noted that medieval and post medieval archaeology was revealed when land to the rear of the White Swan Inn, less than 50m to the east of the application site, was developed. It was therefore likely that similar remains may survive on the application site and it recommended a condition requiring the submission of a scheme of archaeological works. He added that if Committee were to grant planning permission, appropriate conditions would need to be added to the permission to secure this.


The Chairman informed Committee that there was one speaker registered to speak and he reiterated the time limit of five minutes and invited the speaker to take the microphone.


The speaker introduced himself as Mr James Mumby, agent for the applicant. He explained the application was for outline planning only for a three bedroomed bungalow in the grounds of the existing property. He stated that the applicant had been running a bed and breakfast although had now retired from this and wished to downsize into a more accessible home. With respect to the proposal to build in the grounds of the existing property, Mr Mumby highlighted that other sites in the area had done this and it was deemed acceptable in principle. He stated that this would be a single storey dwelling meaning there would be no overlooking windows. It would be accessed by the existing driveway and would not generate any more noise or access issues than the bed and breakfast business had done, he stated there was already sufficient parking on the site. Mr Mumby concluded by asking Committee to support the application.


The Chairman thanked Mr Mumby and enquired of the Senior Development Management Officer whether the application would have come before Committee if the applicant had not been an elected Member of council. The Senior Development Officer confirmed that it would have come to Committee as there were objections received. The Chairman then invited comments from Committee members.


A member of Committee enquired as to the future of the bed and breakfast business and the impact there would be on the area if it were to continue as a bed and breakfast. The Senior Development Management Officer stated that there was no condition as to the cessation of the bed and breakfast however it had been confirmed the business had ceased running.


A member of Committee noted there had been comments from a member of public to the effect that the application was likely to have been agreed already because of the connection with the applicant. It was stated that Committee does not pre-approve any application and the nature of the application coming before Committee was to be as transparent in decision making as possible.


It was felt by Committee members that building a new dwelling in the grounds of an existing property was not necessarily the best option, for the risk of losing green space, open areas and disruption to surrounding residents. It was acknowledged, however, that there was no reason within planning policy on which to object. The Senior Development Management Officer stated that in relation to the protection of green space, residential gardens were not considered high value areas.


Committee discussed the options for adding conditions to restrict working hours and change the use of gravel for the driveway however it was highlighted that the application was for outline plans only and the details would be provided at a later date. The Senior Development Management Officer confirmed that these conditions could be looked at in subsequent plans.


After further discussion regarding the nature of outline planning applications and the practice of building second dwellings in large gardens, it was moved, seconded and voted upon that permission be GRANTED in accordance with the conditions as set out in the report.

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