Agenda item


The Committee gave consideration to a report detailing the results from the 2018 staff survey. This had been seen previously by the Joint Staff Consultative Committee (JSCC) and Members were asked to review the results of the staff survey and assure themselves that the JSCC were sufficiently supporting the staff engagement group with actions and communications as a result of the survey. It was explained that staff were asked to respond to the same 14 questions as the previous year and that, of these questions, all bar one had shown a positive improvement on the results from last year. It was also highlighted that the results in 2017 had been hugely positive in comparison with previous survey results and it was testament to the work accomplished in recent months that the results continued to improve.


A Member of the Committee enquired why only a few areas had been discussed in the JSCC and whether there had been any discussion about increasing staff engagement. It was explained that the staff engagement group played an important role in the communications with the wider staff body and that it was important for the group to focus on specific issues so as to be able to make clear and measurable changes. It was also noted that the survey response rate was significantly higher than demonstrated in other sectors and was considered a strong level of response for local government. There was a further question regarding staff recognition schemes and it was confirmed that the ‘Thank You’ card system was still in place as well as formal recognition through the annual appraisal process.


It was highlighted that the poorest rating was regarding dissatisfaction with the work environment, with around 40% of employees stating they were not happy with the accommodation. It was explained that this was an area of focus for the staff engagement group and that some changes, such as the breakout space on the third floor, had already been implemented. Other initiatives, such as screening the top windows to avoid sun glare and also replacing the office lights, would start to have a beneficial impact across all teams. The Committee was told about several staff consultation events that had been held in order to gauge comments and feedback for suggestions as to how the office space could be redesigned for better use. It was agreed that the involvement of staff in these consultations was a massive step forward and that the importance of engaging staff could not be underestimated.


There was discussion regarding difficulties within the building such as temperature control and use of space and it was asked whether the responses to the survey had been departmentalised. The Head of Paid Service explained that, in order to ensure a maximum level of response, the survey did not request any information that might make it possible to identify a person from their responses. This meant that details such as role, department or area of work were not disclosed via the survey.


Members were in agreement that the survey outcome showed a massive positive uplift amongst staff and reflected how Officers now felt much more at ease with sharing their thoughts and opinions. The Chairman offered his thanks to all those involved with the survey and to the staff as a whole for their hard work.


RESOLVED that the details of the staff survey responses be accepted and Committee be assured that the Joint Staff Consultative Committee are supporting the staff engagement group with work on an action plan and communication plan.

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