Agenda item

The fees and charges relating to building control are defined as exempt information.  If the Committee wish to discuss these in detail they will need to resolve to exclude the public and press – reference agenda items 8 and 9 below.


Members gave consideration to a report which detailed proposed fees and charges for service areas and functions, within its purview, to take effect from 1 April 2019.


In presenting the report the fees and charges policy and process was summarised to Members.


Section 3 of the report summarised the main increases, it was noted that 246 of the 512 fees reviewed were statutory, thereby set by Central Government. 86% had experienced no change whilst 5% had seen an increase, and 6% a decrease.   There had been 6 new statutory charges within planning applications. The increases in fees and charges for statutory services sat primarily within Environmental Services and related to charges set by DEFRA.  An announcement regarding any changes to these fees was expected in February 2019 and the schedule would be updated to reflect any amendments once known.


Of the 266 non statutory fees and charges (charges set locally) 40% had experienced no change with 53% having increases proposed and 2% decreases.  


The majority of the remaining increases were as a result of Standard RPI increases having been applied to the following areas, Bulky Waste, Pre-App advice, Cemeteries, Licensing and Land Charges.


The Trinity Arts Centre and Building Control Commercial Services were currently provided with prices on application and it was being proposed that the following services also move to the model, Trade Waste, Private Street Cleansing Work and Room hire.


Debate ensued and a Councillor sought details of the financial impact of the Roseway Car Park completion having been delayed by 4 months,  and whether this lost income would have covered the cost of the two hours free parking being offered in Market Rasen.


It was clarified that the Car Park was due for completion in September and therefore the delay had only been one month.  Officers undertook to provide the answer to Members outside of the meeting, having had the opportunity to investigate.


This cost was expected to be in the region of circa £2,000.


In response to a Member expressing concern at the wording of recommendation two, Officers clarified its intention and indicated the following words would be added “and following consultation with Policy Committee Chairmen, implement changes during the year if required with relevant committee approvals”. Members indicated their satisfaction. 


A potential error in relation to scrap metal charges, within the supplement, was identified in relation to the new/renewal site fees – Year 2 inspection.  There appeared to be an increase in percentage yet a reduction in cost?  Officers indicated this would be amended before proceeding to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.


A Member made reference to some phrasing within the report, relating to car parking and cemeteries and indicated this could perhaps be amended to read more favourably, making a number of suggestions.


In response to a Member’s concern that increasing bulky waste collection charges would result in increased fly tipping, Officers advised that charges had been raised in the previous year and there had been no evidence of such.


It was confirmed that the charges relating to the licensing of animals were statutory charges.


The amendments as proposed and seconded earlier were put to the vote and carried. On that basis it was


RESOLVED that: -


(a)       having considered the proposed fees and charges, as detailed in Appendix A - J of the report, they be RECOMMENDED to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee for approval, subject to the amendment required to the Scrap Metal charge; and


(b)       Managers keep fees and charges under review throughout the year and following consultation with Policy Committee Chairmen, implement changes during the year if required with relevant committee approvals.


Note:         Councillors Trevor Young and Judy Rainsforth requested that their vote against the above decision be recorded.

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