Agenda item


Members considered a report on the key strategic partnerships that the Council were involved in.  It also set out an approach to ensure greater oversight and evaluation of the effectiveness of such partnerships.


This piece of work followed on from work three years ago where a ‘statement of practice’ was set up outlining how partnerships should be managed.  There had been a review of all of the strategic partnerships; there were originally 50 of them, and the recommendation now was that the number tracked be reduced to 18.


There had been an overlap between this report and the work reported to Prosperous Communities committee over number 14 in the list, the Strategic Health Partnership.  It was recommended that this be struck out from this piece of work to let Prosperous Communities take the lead.


Members agreed with the view of the Executive Director for Resources, and it was:                     

                                    RESOLVED to:


(1)  Support the Council’s approach to partnership working, and allow Prosperous Communities Committee to take the lead on the Strategic Health Partnership;


(2)  Support the proposed actions starting at 6.1 of the report.

Supporting documents: