Agenda item


The Strategic Lead for Customer First introduced an update report regarding the progress of the Customer First Strategy in the six months since the last report was presented to the Committee. She reiterated that the strategy was a three year programme with phased projects of differing sizes. In the time since she last visited Committee, there had been 25 projects commenced, some of which had been completed already and some of which would be ongoing. The Strategic Lead explained that, rather than trying to cover all of these projects, she would highlight the key issues for Members but she was happy to take questions on any aspect of the strategy. It was highlighted that, through the report, Members were asked to comment on the progress made so far, confirm whether they were satisfied with the direction of travel and the outcomes achieved.


One of the key projects had been the rollout of digital registration for the green waste subscription. The focus had been on encouraging digital methods of signing up with almost 60% of applications being completed online. As the service entered the second year, over 80% of communication had been through digital methods meaning messages could be tailored to individuals’ needs rather than a blanket mailshot, and savings had been made with reduced paper usage and postage costs. It was clear, however, that this did not preclude anyone from registering over the phone or in person.


Another key project had been streamlining the payments process for market stall holders. Previously stall holders had been invoiced after attending market which had been administratively intensive and also open for errors and disputes. In order to resolve these issues, ‘on the day’ payment had been introduced where stall holders were required to pay on the day they were attending market. Members heard this had proved very popular and all bar one stall holder had signed up, although this was due to reasons outside of the stall holder’s control. By enabling payments to be taken directly, some stall holders had chosen to pay in advance, some were able to pay off owed monies and it had also significantly reduced the administrative processes.


Members heard that, in relation to the Trinity Arts Centre, there had been difficulties for customers trying to make bookings as the opening hours for the booking office had been limited. There had been a trial period of Customer Services taking bookings and this had proved so successful it had now become a permanent function within the team. There had also been changes made to the ‘call queuing’ system which had introduced improved menu choices, redirection to the correct services if it was not for a West Lindsey District Council query (for example highways) and the means to monitor peak call times. This monitoring had had a positive impact for staffing rotas and ensuring there were sufficient staff members on shift to answer calls at the times of high demand.


There were questions from Members regarding some of the technological improvements and also plans for the reconfiguration of the Customer Services Hub on the ground floor. It was clarified that, in the five years since the previous changes (when the Department for Work and Pensions first moved into the Hub), there had been significant increases in customer numbers for all services on the ground floor and as such, it was proving necessary to reconfigure the layout in order to make it more accessible for all to use. It had been recognised that there were more efficient ways of dealing with some of the customer queries and so this would be taken into consideration for the re-configuration. It was confirmed that there would be consultation with Members once possible options had been drafted.


There was further discussion regarding the Council’s website and whether there were any options for making improvements at an earlier date. It was explained that, as a local authority website, West Lindsey’s was considered to be of a high quality however, it was not considered easily accessible for customers. There was ongoing work with regards to developing a more user-friendly website for launch at the end of the current contract.


There was praise for achievements to date and the Customer Experience Officer was particularly recognised for the changes she had implemented in regards to resolving customer complaints. 


There was further discussion regarding bringing together council responses to all routes of enquiry, whether that be online, via the telephone or in person, and ensuring that customers did not need to repeat themselves at every point of contact with the Council. This was welcomed by Members and it was felt it would have a significant impact on customer satisfaction levels.


With no further comment from Members it was


RESOLVED that the progress through the Customer First Strategy be supported and achievements to date be noted.

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