Agenda item


The Chairman introduced planning application number 136577, an outline planning application for the development of up to 49no. dwellings, with access to land to the west of Horsley Road, Gainsborough to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications - resubmission of 134824. He invited the Senior Development Management Officer to provide any updates. He advised Committee that since the report was drafted, additional letters of objection had been received from residents regarding concerns about the impact on infrastructure and services, parking, access and road safety issues, concerns about flood risk and whether the development would be affordable housing. He advised, however, that the updates did not change the recommendation.


The Chairman invited the first registered speaker, Rebecca Housam, to address the Committee. She explained she was speaking on behalf of the applicant and stated there were strong and robust reasons for the application to be approved. She detailed the conversations and testing that had occurred in relation to the drainage considerations and assured Members that the proposal sought to reduce the flood risk overall as well as alleviate the existing problems. She highlighted that the proposal provided sustainable housing as well as other contributions to the local community. It was explained that they had worked closely with the Council to allay any concerns and respectfully asked the Committee to approve the application.


The Chairman then invited Councillor S. Bibb, Ward Member, to speak. She noted that the original objections had centred on the likelihood of flooding to the area and accepted that there were details within the proposals which would aim to alleviate the flood risk, although there was no guarantee of this. She explained that the existing houses did experience difficulties and it would need to be assessed whether the proposals offered reasonable solutions. She also explained that access was another major concern and she found it difficult to understand how the Highways Agency had found the access acceptable. She stated that the roads are already very congested, it was already very difficult to manoeuvre any large vehicle (such as delivery vans) around the area and cars were consistently parked on both sides of the roads. In addition to these concerns, Councillor Bibb raised the environmental impact of losing the biodiversity of the area. She urged the Committee to consider their options, whether that be for refusal or deferment for a site visit.


Note:              Councillor S. Bibb withdrew from the Chamber at 7.21pm for the duration of the discussions.


The Senior Development Management Officer clarified that pedestrian access was to be determined as part of the application and that vehicular access was straightforward, as shown on the site map, with no issues raised by the Highways Agency. He added that the issue regarding surface water had been adequately resolved with the plan to pump the water directly into the River Trent. The Chairman opened discussions from Members of the Committee.


There was discussion between Members as to the concerns regarding the risk of flooding and drainage issues on the site, as well as the significant problems regarding access. A Member of Committee, believing the application to be acceptable, moved the Officer’s recommendation.


Following further discussion, the proposal for a site visit was moved, with the Member of Committee feeling the access and parking issues needed to be seen before any decision could be made. There were comments made regarding the benefit of a riverside development and the Officer’s recommendation was seconded.


The Committee continued to discuss the merits of the application versus the concerns regarding flooding and access. It was highlighted that the application was indicative only and further details would be provided with the full application. The proposal to hold a site visit was subsequently seconded and the Chairman put this to the vote. With five Members in favour and two against it was


RESOLVED that application number 136577 in relation to Horsley Road, Gainsborough, be deferred for a site visit to take place, date and time to be arranged following the conclusion of the meeting.


Note:              The meeting was adjourned at 7.34pm for members of the public to leave the room. Councillor S. Bibb re-joined the Committee and the meeting reconvened at 7.35pm.

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