Committee attendance

Concurrent Meeting of the Prosperous Communities and Corporate Policy and Resources Committees, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan 2
Councillor Jeff Summers 1
Councillor Giles McNeill 1
Councillor Ian Fleetwood 2
Councillor Jim Snee 1
Councillor Mrs Gillian Bardsley 1
Councillor Mrs Sheila Bibb 1
Councillor Owen Bierley 2
Councillor Matthew Boles 2
Councillor Mrs Jackie Brockway 0
Councillor Mrs Mandy Snee 1
Councillor Mrs Tracey Coulson 0
Councillor David Cotton 2
Councillor Christopher Darcel 1
Councillor Michael Devine 2
Councillor Steve England 1
Councillor Stuart Kinch 1
Councillor John McNeill 2
Councillor Mrs Pat Mewis 1
Councillor Mrs Jessie Milne 1
Councillor Malcolm Parish 0
Councillor Tom Regis 0
Councillor Mrs Lesley Rollings 1
Councillor Mrs Anne Welburn 1
Councillor Trevor Young 1
Councillor Mrs Maureen Palmer 1
Councillor Robert Waller 1
Councillor Liz Clews 1
Councillor Stephen Bunney 1
Council, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mrs Angela Lawrence 3
Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan 4
Councillor Jeff Summers 4
Councillor Giles McNeill 3
Councillor Ian Fleetwood 4
Councillor Jim Snee 0
Councillor Mrs Gillian Bardsley 3
Councillor Mrs Sheila Bibb 3
Councillor Cherie Hill 1
Councillor Owen Bierley 4
Councillor Mrs Caralyne Grimble 1
Councillor Matthew Boles 3
Councillor David Bond 1
Councillor Mrs Cordelia McCartney 1
Councillor Mrs Jackie Brockway 3
Councillor Mrs Mandy Snee 0
Councillor Mrs Tracey Coulson 1
Councillor David Cotton 4
Councillor Christopher Darcel 2
Councillor Michael Devine 4
Councillor Steve England 4
Councillor Stuart Kinch 3
Councillor Hugo Marfleet 0
Councillor John McNeill 4
Councillor Mrs Pat Mewis 4
Councillor Mrs Jessie Milne 4
Councillor Richard Oaks 3
Councillor Malcolm Parish 3
Councillor Roger Patterson 2
Councillor Mrs Judy Rainsforth 4
Councillor Tom Regis 0
Councillor Mrs Diana Rodgers 4
Councillor Mrs Lesley Rollings 1
Councillor Reg Shore 1
Councillor Thomas Smith 3
Councillor Lewis Strange 3
Councillor Mrs Anne Welburn 2
Councillor Mrs Angela White 3
Councillor Trevor Young 2
Councillor Mrs Maureen Palmer 3
Councillor Bruce Allison 0
Councillor Robert Waller 3
Councillor Liz Clews 1
Councillor Stephen Bunney 1
Councillor David Dobbie 1
Councillor Keith Panter 1
Councillor Timothy Davies 1
Prosperous Communities Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan 3
Councillor Jim Snee 1
Councillor Mrs Gillian Bardsley 2
Councillor Mrs Sheila Bibb 2
Councillor Owen Bierley 3
Councillor Mrs Mandy Snee 1
Councillor Mrs Tracey Coulson 1
Councillor Christopher Darcel 2
Councillor Michael Devine 3
Councillor Steve England 2
Councillor John McNeill 3
Councillor Mrs Pat Mewis 1
Councillor Mrs Jessie Milne 1
Councillor Malcolm Parish 1
Councillor Tom Regis 1
Councillor Mrs Lesley Rollings 2
Councillor Thomas Smith 1
Councillor Mrs Anne Welburn 1
Councillor Trevor Young 1
Councillor Robert Waller 0
Councillor Liz Clews 1
Councillor Stephen Bunney 1
Regulatory Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Mrs Angela Lawrence 1
Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan 1
Councillor Jim Snee 1
Councillor Mrs Gillian Bardsley 0
Councillor Owen Bierley 0
Councillor Mrs Caralyne Grimble 1
Councillor Mrs Cordelia McCartney 1
Councillor David Cotton 0
Councillor Mrs Pat Mewis 0
Councillor Mrs Jessie Milne 1
Councillor Richard Oaks 0
Councillor Mrs Judy Rainsforth 0
Councillor Mrs Diana Rodgers 0
Councillor Lewis Strange 0
Councillor Mrs Angela White 1
Councillor Mrs Maureen Palmer 0
Councillor Timothy Davies 1