Committee details

Purpose of committee

1. To exercise the Council’s responsibilities for overview and scrutiny and agree each year an operating methodology;


2. To conduct reviews of policy, services or aspects of service that have either been referred by a policy committee or the council, relate to the Forward Plan or have been chosen by the committee according to the agreed criteria for selecting such reviews;


3. To approve and keep under review an annual overview and scrutiny work programme, including the work programme of any scrutiny panels established in accordance with the Challenge and Improvement Committee work programme;


4. To approve the scope, timetable and method for each review by a scrutiny panel to put in place and ensure that such reviews are monitored and managed efficiently and in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules;


5. To make reports and recommendations to the Council, a policy committee or any other Council committee arising from the exercise of these terms of reference;


6. To consider the Forward Plan and comment as appropriate to the relevant Committee on proposed decisions which relate to services within their remit (before they are taken by the appropriate policy committee);


7. To exercise the powers of call in and scrutiny in relation to policy committee decisions made but not implemented, as set out in section 21(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and challenge such decisions in accordance with the procedure set out in the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules in Part V of this Constitution;


8. To comment on the proposed annual service and budget plans for all council services before final approval by the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and Council;


9. To take an overview of the policies, forward plans and related authorities of all public bodies and agencies as they affect the council’s area or its inhabitants;


10. To maintain under review the arrangements for the performance monitoring of Council services;


11. To discharge the statutory functions arising under section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006 relating to issues of crime and disorder and to develop and implement such procedures, protocols and criteria as deemed by the Committee to be appropriate.


12. This Committee has an operating methodology which is agreed annually at its first full meeting. This is contained within the appendices to the Constitution.


Contact information

Support officer: Ele Durrant. Democratic and Civic Officer

Phone: 01427676606