Committee details

Purpose of committee

The Regulatory committee is responsible for a range of functions, including:


·         Exercising the Council’s full remit of licensing functions (with the exception of the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005;

·         Food premises and the Food Law Enforcement Plan;

·         The Environmental Protection Act and associated regulations;

·         Recommending the setting and adoption of policies relating to Taxi and private hire;

·         The granting of Public Space Protection Orders.


A full list of functions are listed in part 4 of the Constitution.


The committee has 11 members, and is scheduled to meet 4 times a year at the rising of Licensing Committee.


The Committee’s Full Terms of Reference can be viewed in the Constitution.


Contact information

Support officer: Natalie Smalley. Democratic and Civic Officer

Phone: 01427676595
