Issue - decisions

22/02/2019 - Value for Money Strategy

Members considered a report on the Council’s Value for Money (VfM) strategy, along with its outline action plan.


It was the opinion of the external auditors that the authority was in a position to provide VfM.  The approach in the report was about strengthening this position.


Items such as greater commercialism and use of assets contribute to greater VfM.  Against each of these activities, an assessment had been conducted looking at how effective the authority thought it was; out of this, a workplan had been developed.  This would make sure that VfM was integral to business and service planning.


To support staff on VfM a strategy had been produced; this was also available for Members.  Once Council had commented on the Corporate Plan, the VfM strategy would be refreshed.


An additional recommendation for housekeeping amendments was proposed and seconded, therefore it was:


                        RESOLVED to:


(1)  Support the Council’s commitment to securing greater Value for Money across service delivery, and approve the strategy as outlined in the report;


(2)  Agree that any housekeeping amendments to the strategy be undertaken in consultation with the Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources committee.