Issue - decisions

14/02/2017 - 135429 - Nettleham

Planning application for the full demolition of the two storey elementof the existing outbuilding, extensive repair and renovation of the single storey sections together with the rebuilding of the two storey area, first floor extension and change of use to form a family annex at The Cottage, 10 Church Street, Nettleham.


The Principal Development Management Officer reminded Members of the revised conditions set out for the previous meeting - Conditions 2 and 4 were to be amended to end with the words “and be retained as such thereafter.”  A further plan was to be added to Condition 4 - RDS11066/01 revision B.


The Officer then summarised a letter which had been received regarding the structural integrity of the building at different points over time.  The officer confirmed that there had been liaison with Building Control officers over the stability of the building and that they had confirmed it was unsafe and should be demolished.


Mr and Mrs Harris then spoke in objection to the proposals.  The main concerns were that the assumption was that the new building would have no greater impact than the previous barn, when the proposals were to be one third taller than the original structure, and the design did nothing to preserve heritage assets.  The wall would be 1.2 metres from windows and would be oppressive, overbearing and overshadowing.  Concerns were also expressed for an elderly neighbour who lived in a bungalow next to which the new build would be 59% taller.


The Principal Development Management Officer noted that the increase in size and scale of the proposal over the existing barn, that such additions had been approved previously and the scheme had been considered acceptable.  The barn had been present when the neighbouring properties had been built and the distance between considered adequate.  It was also noted that the extension to the barn had been approved when the neighbouring development application (8 Church Street) was being determined.  Windows were already affected and should in any case be obscured glazing, but were not.


Members agreed that the site visit had been useful, and whilst having some sympathy for the neighbours however, could find no planning reasons to justify refusal of the application.


It was questioned if an additional condition could be applied which stipulated that no further windows be installed which would overlook the neighbouring properties.  This would be possible and an additional condition would be included.


It was moved, seconded and voted upon that permission be GRANTED subject to conditions, and the inclusion of the additional condition below.


Amended conditions


2. No development shall take place until details of all external and roofing materials to be used have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall only be carried out using the agreed materials and be retained as such thereafter.


REASON: To safeguard the character and appearance of the building and its surroundings and ensure the proposal uses materials and components that have alow environmental impact in accordance with West Lindsey Local Plan First Review Policy STRAT 1.


4. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this consent, the works hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with following drawings and be retained thereafter:


RDS 11066/01B Proposed Elevations

RDS 11066/02B Proposed Barn, Elevations, sections & Site Plan

RDS 11066/03A Site Location Plan

RDS 11066/04 Window & Door Details Type A

RDS 11066/05 Window & Door Details Type A

RDS 11066/06 Window & Door Details Type B

RDS 11066/07 Window & Door Details Type C

RDS 11066/08 Window & Door Details Type D

RDS 11066/09 Window & Door Details Type E

RDS 11066/10 Window & Door Details Type F

RDS 11066/11 Window & Door Details Type G


The works shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and in any other approved documents forming part of the application.


Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans and to accord with Policy STRAT 1 of the West Lindsey Local Plan First Review 2006 (Saved Policies).


Additional Condition


6. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendments) Order 2008 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no additional openings other than those hereby permitted in the external walls or roof of the eastern elevation of the development shall be formed without an express grant of planning permission.


Reason: To avoid overlooking and light pollution in the interests of the residential amenities of adjoining occupiers in accordance with West Lindsey Local Plan First Review Policy STRAT1.


16/01/2017 - 135429 - Nettleham

Planning application for the full demolition of the two storey elementof the existing outbuilding, extensive repair and renovation of the single storey sections together with the rebuilding of the two storey area, first floor extension and change of use to form a family annex at The Cottage, 10 Church Street, Nettleham.


The Principal Development Management Officer updated the Committee on the status of the concurrent Listed Building application.  Conditions 2 and 4 were to be amended to end with the words “and be retained as such thereafter.”  A further plan was to be added to Condition 4 - RDS11066/01 revision B.


Mr and Mrs Harris, neighbours to the proposed development, addressed the meeting, pointing out that although an earlier consent had been granted to refurbish an existing barn, that building had now been demolished following it becoming unsafe.  Therefore the present application was for a completely new building, proposed to be 30% taller than the original.  It was asserted that there was no need for the new building to be on the same footprint which was 1.15 metres from the neighbouring windows.  The garden was 1760 square metres so there was plenty of room for the building to be moved further away and not have the detrimental impact of the current proposal, which would cause overbearing, overshadowing and loss of light.


The Principal Development Management Officer affirmed for Members that the original approved application could no longer be implemented following the demolition of the barn.  It was felt that the new proposals were not significantly different from those approved previously.  However some members sympathised with the neighbouring residents and felt that the new application was sufficiently different to cause a number of problems of loss of light and overshadowing, and questioned the need for the new building to be on the same footprint, and whether it ought to be of the same height as the original.


It was proposed and seconded, that a site visit take place in order to be able to assess the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring properties.


On being voted upon a SITE VISIT was agreed to be arranged on a date to be determined.