Issue - decisions

14/02/2017 - Revenue Base Budgets 2017-18

The Financial Services Manager presented the Committee’s base budget for 2017/18 as well as those recommended by Prosperous Communities Committee, and noted that a high audit assurance had been received.


The base budget showed a £1m reduction against the 2016/17 base budget. 

The significant variances were contained within the report, the capital investment of £13m in commercial property was expected to achieve a net additional income of £270k, with £625k being reflected in the Committee’s services base budget.

The withdrawal of the LCTS grant to Parish Councils previously approved by this Committee contributed a further £169k towards this saving.


One other outstanding consideration for this Committee in relation to the proposed increase in burial charges and members were referred to paragraph 1.5 within the report.  The overall budgetary impact of a stepped change over two years would result in additional income in year 2 of £381.  There was no budgetary impact from the removal of charges for exclusive rights of burials for children under 12.  The Committee were now requested consider their recommendation to Council.


Note Councillor David Cotton declared a personal interest on this item as in his ministerial capacity he conducted burials.


Discussion ensued on the burial costs with it being questioned that in the second year of increase, a further 65% would equate to greater than 130% in total.  Clarification was sought on the actual figures rather than percentages, these were read out by the Financial Services Manager.  The Director of Resources stated that the second year increase could be at the percentage necessary to equal 130% in total, if Members preferred.


It was affirmed that only two burial grounds were affected and that these had had six burials in the last year.  The authority was below the benchmark figure and the service was below cost recovery.   Charges were not increased for customers when from out of the area as was the case with some cemeteries and crematoria.  This could be borne in mind for future cost assessments.


With the amendment as agreed the Committee Members moved, seconded and voted upon the recommendations.



a)  having given consideration to the Fees and Charges, in relation to burials, it to be recommended to Council, that the increase be 65% for the first year, and increasing further to a total of 130% for the two year period;

b)  the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Budget 2017/18 be approved and recommended to Council for inclusion in the Medium Term Financial Plan 20171/8 – 2021/22; and

c)  the Prosperous Communities Committee Budget be accepted and recommended to Council for inclusion in the Medium Term Financial Plan 20171/8 – 2021/22.