Issue - decisions

14/02/2017 - 134618 - Nettleton

Planning application to erect six affordable dwellings, together withchange of use to public open space.  Also, outline planning application for 19 dwellings with all matters reserved on land to the North of Moortown Road, Nettleton.


The Principal Development Management Officer informed Members that the original figure for the number of dwellings had been reduced, therefore the Local Education Authority might need to recalculate the level of contribution that would be required.


J. Parker, the applicant, addressed the meeting, was a long-time local resident, and had started pre-application discussions two years ago and had worked continually with planning officers.  Nettleton had been identified for growth and there was a demand for affordable housing, therefore a sympathetic well planned expansion was proposed, to support the community.  There were many positive aspects and no objections from highways officers or the Environment Agency.


Members debated the application, and whilst acknowledging that it was not an exceptions site outside of the settlement limit, and there were archaeological issues to address, they were able to support the proposals.


It was moved, seconded, voted upon and AGREED that:


the decision to grant planning permission, subject to conditions, be delegated to the Chief Operating Officer, to:


A)      enable the completion and signing of an agreement under section 106 of the Planning Act 1990 (as amended) pertaining to:-


  • 25% affordable housing (to be delivered on site;) along with a contribution of £12,108.50
  • A capital contribution would be required in lieu of on-site Education provisions. This would be determined utilising the Education Authority formulae for contributions.
  • Open space/attenuation basin and on-going maintenance for these areas and drainage infrastructure.




B)        enable the satisfactory completion of the required archaeological investigation and reports.


And, in the event of the archaeological works are not being carried out satisfactorily or finds of archaeological significance are identified (in the opinion of LCC Archaeology Section) and/or s106 not being completed and signed by all parties within six months from the date of this Committee, then the application be reported back to the next available Committee meeting following the expiration of the six months or the identification of archaeological finds of significance whichever is sooner.