Issue - decisions

10/04/2017 - 134096 Cherry Willingham

Planning application for erection of 69 dwellings on land offHawthorn Road, Cherry Willingham.


Andy Booth, representing Cherry Willingham Parish Council addressed the Committee and presented the concerns of the Parish Council.  It was noted that the Cherry Willingham Neighbourhood Plan was now at an advanced stage of preparation but appreciated that this is not yet at a stage where it could be considered a material consideration.  The parish’s aspiration was to grow sustainably, but the current application would adversely impact on its objectives.  It was acknowledged that only part of the site was allocated for development within the adopted West Lindsey Local Plan (WLLP), and that the development was at odds with the WLLP and the emerging Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, therefore the proposals were at odds with current policy.  The National Planning Policy Framework, which was a material consideration, defined sustainable development as protection of the countryside, encouragement of use of public transport, low carbon development, management of flood risk etc.  The report acknowledged that none of these criteria would be met by the proposals.  Use of the private car would increase, as acknowledged by the refusal on recent nearby applications.  The principle of ‘squaring off’ the current development was not justification for approval.


Andrew Alison and Jeremy Stanton, agents for the applicant, spoke in support of the proposals, describing work undertaken with officers.  It was felt that the site comprised a natural infill adjacent existing development and was within 20 minutes’ walk of facilities such as shops.  Parking concerns had been addressed by the revised layout.  Financial contributions had been negotiated for affordable housing and towards education, health and open space provision.  Forestry restocking would be undertaken and there would be no adverse visual impact on existing or future residents.  Development would complete the existing site and make it less disjointed and was partly allocated within the Local Plan.


Mr Stanton, drainage representative, assured Members that a full drainage design strategy (via infiltration or drainage dykes to the western perimeter) had been formulated and would be submitted to Anglian Water and the highways department, for which approval was expected and did not have concerns with respect to  future flooding problems.


The Principal Development Management Officer affirmed that the Parish Council had yet to publish a draft Neighbourhood Plan and therefore there was no Plan to take into consideration.  It was also affirmed that part of the site was allocated within the WLLP as for development, and the current proposal would help to square off the site. The first part of the NPPF presumption in favour of sustainable development was to “approve development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay”.  Planning Practice Guidance was that for major development, sustainable drainage proposals (SUDS) should be provided unless demonstrated to be inappropriate. If SUDS was inappropriate, other methods could be considered.  The recommendations therefore were that the application be approved.


Councillor Ian Fleetwood (in the Chair) felt that given the level of development in the area, it would be useful to assess its evolution and the drainage issues involved, and therefore proposed that the Committee undertake a site visit.  This was seconded and on being voted upon it was AGREED that a SITE VISIT take place on a date to be agreed.