Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- Councillor David Cotton - Personal - Councillor D. Cotton declared a non-pecuniary personal interest, in relation to agenda item 6b, application number 144197, as he felt acquainted with the applicant and was not able to give an impartial view and stepped down from the Committee for the duration of that item.
- Councillor David Cotton - Non Pecuniary - Councillor D. Cotton declared that he was a Parish Councillor for Saxilby and Ward Member for Saxilby, in relation to agenda item 6c, application number 144491, but he would remain on the committee for that item, and speak as a Member of the Planning Committee.
- Councillor Ian Fleetwood - Lobbied - The Chairman made a non-pecuniary declaration on behalf of all Members of the Committee that attended the site visit, in relation to application number 144197 (agenda item 6b), that at the close of the meeting, the Chairman invited the objectors to give comment to the application, and the Committee did listen, but provided no other comment or debate subsequently to the statement.
- Councillor Jeff Summers - Lobbied - The Chairman made a non-pecuniary declaration on behalf of all Members of the Committee that attended the site visit, in relation to application number 144197 (agenda item 6b), that at the close of the meeting, the Chairman invited the objectors to give comment to the application, and the Committee did listen, but provided no other comment or debate subsequently to the statement.
- Councillor Jeff Summers - Personal - Councillor J. Summers also declared, for transparency, that he had met the applicants before, in relation to agenda item 6b, application number 144197, and had discussed the application in question.
- Councillor Jeff Summers - Non Pecuniary - Councillor J. Summers declared that he was Ward Member for Waddingham and Spital, in relation to agenda item 6a, application number 143957, and had given a previous opinion on the application. He would speak to the Committee as a Ward Member on the application, but as such would step down from the Committee for the rest of that item.
- Councillor Michael Devine - Lobbied - The Chairman made a non-pecuniary declaration on behalf of all Members of the Committee that attended the site visit, in relation to application number 144197 (agenda item 6b), that at the close of the meeting, the Chairman invited the objectors to give comment to the application, and the Committee did listen, but provided no other comment or debate subsequently to the statement.
- Councillor Mrs Angela White - Lobbied - The Chairman made a non-pecuniary declaration on behalf of all Members of the Committee that attended the site visit, in relation to application number 144197 (agenda item 6b), that at the close of the meeting, the Chairman invited the objectors to give comment to the application, and the Committee did listen, but provided no other comment or debate subsequently to the statement.
- Councillor Mrs Cordelia McCartney - Non Pecuniary - Councillor C. McCartney declared that she had not been able to attend the site visit in relation to agenda item 6b, application number 144197, and though would stay in the room for the item, would not comment or vote on the item.
- Councillor Mrs Jessie Milne - Lobbied - The Chairman made a non-pecuniary declaration on behalf of all Members of the Committee that attended the site visit, in relation to application number 144197 (agenda item 6b), that at the close of the meeting, the Chairman invited the objectors to give comment to the application, and the Committee did listen, but provided no other comment or debate subsequently to the statement.
- Councillor Mrs Judy Rainsforth - Lobbied - The Chairman made a non-pecuniary declaration on behalf of all Members of the Committee that attended the site visit, in relation to application number 144197 (agenda item 6b), that at the close of the meeting, the Chairman invited the objectors to give comment to the application, and the Committee did listen, but provided no other comment or debate subsequently to the statement.
- Councillor Peter Morris - Lobbied - The Chairman made a non-pecuniary declaration on behalf of all Members of the Committee that attended the site visit, in relation to application number 144197 (agenda item 6b), that at the close of the meeting, the Chairman invited the objectors to give comment to the application, and the Committee did listen, but provided no other comment or debate subsequently to the statement.
- Councillor Robert Waller - Lobbied - The Chairman made a non-pecuniary declaration on behalf of all Members of the Committee that attended the site visit, in relation to application number 144197 (agenda item 6b), that at the close of the meeting, the Chairman invited the objectors to give comment to the application, and the Committee did listen, but provided no other comment or debate subsequently to the statement.