Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- Councillor Cherie Hill - Personal - Councillor C. Hill declared, in relation to agenda item 6a, application number 144201, that she was not present at the site visit, and so would not participate in item.
- Councillor Jeff Summers - Personal - Councillor J. Summers declared, in relation to agenda item 6a, application number 144201, that he was not present at the site visit, and so would not participate in item.
- Councillor Matthew Boles - Personal - Councillor M. Boles declared, in relation to agenda item 6a, application number 144201, that he was not present at the site visit, and so would not participate in item.
- Councillor Mrs Angela White - Non Pecuniary - Councillor A. White declared, in relation to agenda item 6d, application numbers 144347/144977, that she would speak as the Local Ward Member, and then leave the Chamber for the remainder of the item.
- Councillor Mrs Judy Rainsforth - Personal - Councillor J. Rainsforth declared, in relation to agenda item 6a, application number 144201, that she was not present at the site visit, and so would not participate in item.
- Councillor Peter Morris - Personal - Councillor P. Morris declared, in relation to agenda item 6a, application number 144201, that he was not present at the site visit, and so would not participate in item.
- Councillor Peter Morris - Personal - Councillor P. Morris declared a personal interest, in relation to agenda item 6e, application number 144830, as he had a close relationship to the applicant, and knew him well. He would step down from the Committee for the item, and leave the Chamber.
- Councillor Peter Morris - Non Pecuniary - Councillor P. Morris declared, in relation to agenda item 6f, application number 143527, that he would speak as the Local Ward Member, and then leave the Chamber for the remainder of the item.