Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- Councillor Ian Fleetwood - Non Pecuniary - In relation to item 6(a) (Land West of North Moor Road, Scotter) Councillor Fleetwood indicated that he was the Council’s representative on the Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Water Management Board but he had not been involved in any discussions about the item.
- Councillor Peter Morris - Personal - In relation to agenda item 6(a), (application number 146226 - Land off Owmby Wold Lane, Owmby) Councillor Morris indicated that he was the Local Ward Member for the area but had not been lobbied or asked about the application. He had attended a meeting at which the application had been mentioned but had not taken part in the discussions. In relation to item 6(c) (application number 146210 – Land at Top House Farm, Grimsby Road, Caistor) Councillor Morris indicated that he lived in Caistor and knew the area extremely well. He had not however discussed the application in any shape or form prior to this meeting.
- Councillor Tom Smith - Non Pecuniary - In connection with item 6(c) application number 146210 (Land at Top House Farm, Grimsby Road, Caistor), Councillor Smith indicated that he worked for Sir Edward Leigh but had not discussed the application in any shape or form prior to this meeting. He also indicated that as County Councillor for the area, he had been present at meetings at which the application had been mentioned but had not taken part in the discussions and had come to this meeting with a completely open mind.