Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- Councillor Adam Duguid - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Adam Duguid also indicated that he had been unable to attend the site visit in relation to item 6(a) (application number 142460 – Land West of North Moor Road, Scotter) and would not be voting on this item.
- Councillor John Barrett - Lobbied - Councillor John Barrett indicated that in connection with item 6(b) (application number 146461 – Land at Hillcrest Park, Caistor), he had been involved in correspondence with a Director concerning this application. However, he had a completely open mind and would therefore participate in the discussion and vote as a Member of the Committee.
- Councillor John Barrett - Lobbied - Councillor John Barrett also stated, that in relation to item 6(c) (application number 146424 – Land adjacent to 51A Washdyke Drive, Nettleham), which was within his District Ward, he had had correspondence with a local resident. However, he had a completely open mind and would therefore participate in the discussion and vote as a Member of the Committee.
- Councillor Peter Morris - Non Pecuniary - In relation to agenda item 6(a), (application number 142460 – Land West of North Moor Road, Scotter), Councillor Peter Morris indicated that he had been unable to attend the site meeting and would not therefore be voting on this application.
- Councillor Peter Morris - Personal - Councillor Peter Morris also indicated that in respect of item 6(b) (application number 146461 – Land at Hillcrest Park, Caistor) the applicant was well known to him and accordingly he would not be taking part in the discussion or voting on this item and would leave the meeting whilst this matter was considered.
- Councillor Sabastian Hague - Non Pecuniary - In connection with item 6(a) (application number 142460 – Land West of North Moor Road, Scotter), Councillor Sabastian Hague had not been able to attend the site visit and would not therefore be voting on this item.
- Councillor Trevor Young - Non Pecuniary - Also in connection with item 6(a) (application number 142460 – Land West of North Moor Road, Scotter), Councillor Trevor Young advised that he too had been unable to attend the site visit and would not be voting on the application.