Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- Councillor David Dobbie - Non Pecuniary - Cllr D Dobbie explained that he was not able to attend 21 November site visit for application number 147131, Reepham BESS, therefore he would not vote on the item.
- Councillor David Dobbie - Non Pecuniary - Cllr D Dobbie explained that he had previously seen application number 00839, Silver Street, Gainsborough, in his capacity on Gainsborough Town Council; he declared that he would approach the application with an open mind, and would make a determination based upon the information presented at the meeting.
- Councillor Ian Fleetwood - Non Pecuniary - Cllr Fleetwood made a non-pecuniary declaration of interest regarding application number 147131, Reepham BESS, in his capacity as County Councillor for the Reepham Ward. It was explained that he chaired the 21 November site visit with the support of the Committee, in the absence of the Chairman or Vice Chairman.
- Councillor Matthew Boles - Non Pecuniary - Regarding application number 147131, Reepham BESS, Cllr M Boles declared that he would not vote on the item due to his absence at the 6 November 2024 meeting and the 21 November 2024 site visit, but that he would remain in the Chamber to chair the item.
- Councillor Owen Bierley - Lobbied - With regard to application number 00698, Moortown House Farm, Market Rasen, Cllr O Bierley explained that he was contacted via email by the Applicant who was seeking support for the application, but that Cllr Bierley had not responded. He explained that as a Member of the Planning Committee, he needed to see all the evidence in the report before making a decision.
- Councillor Tom Smith - Non Pecuniary - Cllr T Smith declared that he would not vote on application number 147131, Reepham BESS; this was due to his absence at the first meeting when the application was deferred. He explained that despite attending the site visit, he had been advised to refrain from voting on the item but would comment during the discussion as he had read the documentation.
- Councillor Tom Smith - Non Pecuniary - Cllr T Smith made a non-pecuniary declaration of interest regarding application number 00698, Moortown House Farm, Market Rasen, in his capacity as County Councillor for the area. He explained that he had not made any comment on the proposed development, nor had he been contacted by the Applicant, and was to approach the application with an open mind.