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Select a committee
Appeals Board
Audit Sub-Committee
Best Value Committee Archived
Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee
Challenge and Improvement Committee
Chief Officer Employment Committee
Community & Waste Services Committee
Community Committee Archived
Community Health Safety Sub-Committee Archived
Community Services Committee Archived
Concurrent Meeting of the Prosperous Communities and Corporate Policy and Resources Committees
Contract Services Committee Archived
Corporate Policy and Resources Committee
Corporate Services Committee Archived
Council Archived
Development Control Committee
Development Plan Sub-Committee
District Joint Committee for Devolution
Economic and Tourism Committee
Economic Committee
Economic Development and Regeneration Committee
Economic Development Committee Archived
Environmental and Licensing Committee
Environmental Committee
Gainsborough and Surrounding Area Committee
Generic Equalities Committee
Governance and Audit Committee
Greater Lincolnshire Leadership Board
Health Board
Housing Sub-Committee Archived
Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
Lincoln Fringe Area Forum
Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel
Local Plan Sub-Committee
Local Plan Sub-Committee Archived
Local Strategic Partnerships
Neighbourhoods and Health Committee
Organisation and Resources Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Archived
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Community and Environment Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Resources and Economy Committee
Performance management and Scrutiny Committee
Performance management and Scrutiny Committee Archived
Performance management and Scrutiny Committee External
Performance management and Scrutiny Committee Internal
Planning Committee
Planning Services Committee
Planning Services Committee Archived
Prosperous Communities Committee
Regeneration Committee
Regulatory Committee
Regulatory Committee Archived
Regulatory Sub-Committee
Resources Committee
Skills Forum
Standards Committee
Standards Sub-Committee
Taxi and General Licensing Committee
The Wolds Area Forum
Tourism and Recreational Services Committee Archived
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Bailey, Councillor Emma Bailey
Barrett, Councillor John Barrett
Bennett, Councillor Eve Bennett
Bierley, Councillor Owen Bierley
Boles, Councillor Matthew Boles
Bridgwood, Councillor Trevor Bridgwood
Brockway, Councillor Mrs Jackie Brockway
Brown, Councillor Frazer Brown
Bunney, Councillor Stephen Bunney
Carless, Councillor Karen Carless
Clews, Councillor Liz Clews
Darcel, Councillor Christopher Darcel
Dobbie, Councillor David Dobbie
Duguid, Councillor Adam Duguid
Flear, Councillor Jacob Flear
Fleetwood, Councillor Ian Fleetwood
Hague, Councillor Sabastian Hague
Howitt-Cowan, Councillor Paul Howitt-Cowan
Key, Councillor Paul Key
Lawrence, Councillor Mrs Angela Lawrence
Lee, Councillor Paul Lee
McGhee, Councillor Jeanette McGhee
Morris, Councillor Peter Morris
Mullally, Councillor Lynda Mullally
Palmer, Councillor Maureen Palmer
Patterson, Councillor Roger Patterson
Pilgrim, Councillor Roger Pilgrim
Rodgers, Councillor Mrs Diana Rodgers
Rollings, Councillor Mrs Lesley Rollings
Smith, Councillor Tom Smith
Snee, Councillor Jim Snee
Snee, Councillor Mrs Mandy Snee
Swift, Councillor Paul Swift
Velan, Councillor Baptiste Velan
Westley, Councillor Moira Westley
Young, Councillor Trevor Young
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period