Meeting: Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 6.30 pm - Planning Committee
4. Declarations of Interest
- Councillor David Dobbie - Personal - Councillor D. Dobbie declared a personal interest, in relation to agenda item 6a, application number 146685, that though he was not present at the site visit, and so would not participate in the vote, he would give his opinion on a related matter with the application.
Meeting: Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 6.30 pm - Planning Committee
6d 147333 - 27 Silver Street, Gainsborough
- Councillor David Dobbie - Personal - Councillor D. Dobbie made a non-pecuniary personal declaration that since new information had been provided following his involvement with the application at Gainsborough Town Council, he had an open mind, and would sit as a Member of the Planning Committee.
Meeting: Wednesday, 3rd January, 2024 6.30 pm - Planning Committee
4. Declarations of Interest
- Councillor David Dobbie - Non Pecuniary - Councillor D. Dobbie declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to agenda items 6c (application number 147177 and listed building consent number 147178) and 6d (application number 147202) as he had had prior contact with the applications as a Member of Gainsborough Town Council. He confirmed he would remain a Member of the Planning Committee and view all applications with an open mind.
- Councillor David Dobbie - Non Pecuniary - The Chairman made a declaration on behalf of all Members of the Planning Committee in relation to two of the night’s applications. Regarding agenda item 6c, Market Place Gainsborough – the applicant was West Lindsey District Council. Regarding agenda item 6e, application number 147527, the applicant was a Member of the Council, and therefore known to all Members of the Committee. Some Members of the Committee may have visited the address and building subject to the planning application, however, Members of the Planning Committee would retain an open mind and would determine both applications in line with their planning committee training.
Meeting: Wednesday, 28th February, 2024 6.30 pm - Planning Committee
4. Declarations of Interest
- Councillor David Dobbie - Non Pecuniary - The Chairman made a declaration on behalf of all Members regarding agenda item 6c, planning application number 147511, Whitton Gardens, as the applicant was West Lindsey District Council.
- Councillor David Dobbie - Prejudicial - Councillor D. Dobbie declared he would leave the meeting for agenda item 6c, planning application number 147511, Whitton Gardens, as he had publicly voiced his opposition to the proposal.
- Councillor David Dobbie - Non Pecuniary - Councillor D. Dobbie declared stated he would not vote in relation to agenda item 6a, planning application number 146729, West Bank Saxilby, as he had not attended the site visit.
Meeting: Wednesday, 11th September, 2024 6.30 pm - Planning Committee
4. Declarations of Interest
- Councillor David Dobbie - Non Pecuniary - The Chairman made two declarations on behalf of all Members of the Planning Committee. The first declaration was in relation to application number 00585, Baltic Mill (agenda item 6f), as the applicant was West Lindsey District Council. He confirmed that Members would hear the application with an open mind and in accordance with their training.
- Councillor David Dobbie - Lobbied - The second declaration was in relation to application 147738, land off Gallamore Lane, Market Rasen (agenda item 6a), in that all Members of the Committee had received an email from Tesco superstore. This would not impact their decision making process.
- Councillor David Dobbie - Personal - Councillor D. Dobbie made a personal declaration of interest regarding application number 00585, Baltic Mill, (agenda item 6f) in that he was a member of Gainsborough Town Council, a consultee for the application, however he confirmed he would hear the application with an open mind and address the matter as a Member of the Planning Committee.