Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions

Contact: Katie Storr  Senior Democratic and Civic Officer


No. Item


Chairman's Welcome

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The Chairman welcomed Members and Officers to the meeting.


A warm welcome was also extended to Mr Richard Quirk, Chairman of the Independent Remuneration Panel, who would later in the meeting present his Panel’s recommendations to Full Council.




Minutes of the Previous Meeting - 5 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 438 KB

To confirm and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 5 September 2022.




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Before approval of the Minutes, the Chairman brought to the attention of Members an administrative matter, relating to a discrepancy in the membership of the Prosperous Communities Committee, following Council’s consideration of the matter in September.


Members were advised that Councillors affected had received apologies, attendance records had been amended accordingly and the fact had been minuted at the Prosperous Communities Meeting.  The Chairman confirmed the minutes originally supplied to Members and published were correct and did not require amending as a result of the discrepancy.


On that basis have being proposed and seconded, it was:-


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held on 5 September 2022 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.




Members' Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point and may also make them at any point during the meeting.



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No declarations of interest were made at this point of the meeting.


For the avoidance of doubt, the Chairman advised the Chamber that Members were not required to make declarations in respect of the Members’ Allowance Report, as this was an area in which all Councillors were granted an exemption by the relevant legislation.




Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Setting out current position of previously agreed actions as at 13 January 2023.



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The Chairman introduced the report advising Members that the report would be taken “as read” unless Members had any questions that they wished to raise.


With no comments or questions and with no requirement for a vote, the Matters Arising were DULY NOTED.





i)               Chairman of Council

ii)              Leader of the Council

iii)            Head of Paid Service



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The Chairman started her announcements by wishing the Chamber a Happy New Year! Noting that since Council last met the Nation had lost a Queen and gained a King!


Referencing the loss of the Sovereign, the Chairman advised she had been required to attend the Official Proclamation in front of Lincoln Cathedral before delivering the Proclamation back to the District to be announced in Gainsborough outside of the Council Offices.  She remarked on what a moving and historic event it had been.


In October, the Chairman had attended at the Lincoln College Graduation Ceremony again held at Lincoln Cathedral. Graduation ceremonies were always special to see.


The Chairman advised Members that she had been invited to form part of a Panel, to determine receipts for Lincolnshire Care Awards in coming months.


November had seen Armistice and Remembrance Events held across the District.  The Chairman had had the pleasure of attending both the Services and Parades held in the Market Place Gainsborough and at Caistor.


A wonderful evening had been had during November attending the “Illuminate Walls” along the Gainsborough Riverside leading to the Old Hall where there had been the most magnificent Fire Display.  She congratulated all those involved in what had been something quite spectacular.


And, in the run-up to Christmas the Chairman had undertaken Christmas visits to the Arts Centre, the Council’s Crematorium and Depot and of the course the Guildhall.  Ending the day with a visit to see the terrific Wizard of Oz at the Trinity Arts Centre.





The Leader made the following address to Council: -


“Good evening colleagues, I hope everyone had the opportunity to spend some time away from their desks over the Christmas and New Year period and have resumed their duties refreshed and ready for what will undoubtedly be an especially busy period for us individually and collectively.


In November, I was privileged to attend the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Annual Conference and AGM at the Epic Centre, which proved to be most inspiring in setting out the vision for our historic county and the work already underway toward achieving that ambition.  West Lindsey’s Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities gave a timely update in relation to the RAF Scampton opportunity area and joined a Q&A Panel and a new Agricultural Growth Zone that will greatly support innovation in that sector in our District was announced.


It is most pleasing to report that our Operational Services teams were nominated in no fewer than four categories in the 2022 Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) Awards, which were held in December.  The nominations were for, in Street Cleansing, the Best Performer and the Most Improved Performer and in Waste Collection, for the Best Performer and the Most Improved Performer, with West Lindsey winning the two categories.


Colleagues will be aware that work to demolish the Lindsey Centre in Gainsborough town centre commenced shortly before Christmas.  This will enable the construction of a new multi-screen cinema and associated retail units  ...  view the full minutes text for item 122.


Public Question Time

Questions, if received, under this Scheme will be published by way of supplement following closure of the deadline.



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The Chairman advised the meeting that no public questions had been received.




Questions Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No. 9

Questions submitted by Members under Procedure Rule No.9 will be published by way of supplement following closure of the deadline.



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The Chairman advised the meeting that no questions, pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No.9, had been received.




Motions Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No. 10

No motions have been submitted for this meeting.

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The Chairman advised the meeting that motions, pursuant to Council Procedure No.10 had been received.




Recommendation from the Independent Remuneration Panel - Members Allowance Scheme 23/24 pdf icon PDF 260 KB

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The Chairman again welcomed Mr Richard Quirk, Chairman of the Independent Remuneration Panel to the meeting and invited him to introduce the report.


Mr Quirk outlined the process that had been undertaken to produce the recommendations set out in the report.  Consultation had taken place with Members and thanks were expressed to those that had responded, noting the response rate had again been low.


Mr Quirk also outlined the factors which had been taken into account, summarised in paragraph 1.2 of the report by the Panel in reaching its recommendations, namely an increase across the board of 3% to Members’ basic allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances (SRA’s). 


This proposal if accepted would increase the Members’ basic allowance in real terms by an extra amount of £3.60 per week per Member.


Acknowledging that Members had rejected their increases in some previous years and whilst also recognising the reasons for this, Members were reminded of the importance of keeping remuneration at a level to avoid a one-off large increase should remuneration fall below comparable rates. Remuneration was there to ensure no one was prevented from being a Councillor due to out of pocket expenses.


Other matters which had been investigated by the Panel this year, had included revisions to the Carers’ Allowance and the possibility of a Bicycle Purchase Scheme for Members. The latter would be investigated further during 23/24, the former, it was being proposed be increased, but that this increase should always be at a level of £1 above the National Living Wage.


Regarding Mileage Allowance, Members noted that 45p per mile was the maximum the Council could allow without evoking taxation rules.  As such any rise, past this level would be lost to tax and would not be to the benefit of the Councillor.  However changes to the passenger rate had been proposed by the Panel, with a flat rate of 5p per passenger, again linking to the wider Council agenda of reducing carbon emissions, car sharing was to be encouraged wherever possible and feasible. 


Several Members welcomed the possibility of Bicycle Purchase Scheme being investigated, and spoke of how it not only linked to the Councils wider sustainability and carbon reduction objectives, but also to the Health and Well-being agenda.


In response to questions, it was confirmed the Carers Allowance did not only apply to the care of young children, but was an allowance towards the costs for the care of any dependents.  It was also clarified that it was not intended to cover the whole cost. If costs incurred were less than the rate, the Member would only be reimbursed the amount they had paid.


The Remuneration Panel were thanked for their work by Members across the Chamber and across the political parties. 


Mr Quirk in turn thanked Members and the Officers of the Council who supported the Remuneration Panel’s work; Emma Redwood and Susan Norman.


Having been moved and seconded it was: -


RESOLVED that: -


(a)    the new rates for the Civic Year 2023/2024 namely  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126.


Collection Fund - Council Tax Surplus 2022/23 & Council Tax Base 2023-24. pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Additional documents:


The Section 151 Officer presented the report and advised that the Council was required to set its Council Tax Base and declare an estimate of its Council Tax Surplus which should be taken into account when setting the Council Tax for the following year.


The Council Tax Base for the year 2022/23 would be 31,696.76.


The S151 Officer summarised how the calculation was undertaken and how the collection rate affected the calculation. West Lindsey’s collection rate was above the national average and this impacted positively.


The Council Tax Surplus of £ £1,923,600 had been calculated in accordance with statutory guidance.  The Surplus had to be shared between Lincolnshire County Council, The Police and Crime Commissioner and West Lindsey District Council, with West Lindsey’s share being £289,700.


This amount would be built into the 2023/24 Budget prior to setting the Council Tax.


Members noted that West Lindsey District Council received a slightly higher proportion of the surplus, than the Police and Crime Commissioner, despite the Police and Crime Commissioner element of the Council Tax being higher than West Lindsey’s.  This was due to the fact that West Lindsey District Council's precept total, for the surplus calculation, included that precepted for by its parishes.


Testament was paid to all those working in the Revenues department for the work they undertook.


Having been moved and seconded on being put to the vote it was: -




(a)    the estimated surplus of £289,700 be accepted and declared as accruing in the Council’s Collection Fund at 31 March 2023 relating to an estimated Council Tax surplus;


(b)    the Council uses its element of the Collection Fund surplus/deficit in calculating the level of Council Tax in 2023/24; and


(c)    in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulation 1992 (as amended) the amount calculated by the Council, as its Council Tax Base for the whole of the District area for 2023/24 be approved and set at 31,696.76 as detailed in the report and appendices.




Recommendation from Corporate Policy and Resources Committee - Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 375 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee presented the report to Council, which sought approval of the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2023/24, on recommendation from the Corporate Policy Resources Committee.


Members noted the Scheme has not been amended significantly since 2019/20 due to the implementation of Universal Credit and the subsequent pandemic.


Data available showed that it has been an effective scheme and that the collection rate for the previous year was 98%.  Members noted this was “top quartile” performance and current indications were that similar collection rates would be achieved for the current financial year.


Given the on-going recovery from the Covid pandemic and being in the midst of a cost of living crisis, it was considered any significant changes to the Scheme for 2023/24 would likely have a negative impact on the collection rate.


As such, Option 1 within the report, had been supported by the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee at their meeting in November 2022, and as such was recommended to Full Council for approval and adoption from 1 April 2023.


Councillor Welburn concluded her introduction by moving the recommendation, which was duly seconded. 


On being put to the vote it was:-


RESOLVED that the Recommendation from the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee be ACCEPTED and Option 1 of the report, that being: -


To apply any new legislative requirements and the uprating of the non-dependent charges, applicable amounts, and household allowances and deductions, used in the calculation of the reduction in accordance with the Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) annual ‘Upratings’.


be adopted as the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for West Lindsey District Council for 2023/24.



Recommendation from Corporate Policy and Resources Committee - Mid-Year Treasury Management Report 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 480 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, presented the report which sought approval of the Mid-Year Treasury Report 2022/23.


The report had been presented to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee, where it had been fully considered and debated and stood referred to Council for approval.


Members were advised that there had been no breach of prudential indicators and the mid-year review had been undertaken, taking into account changes to the Capital Programme and forecasts of cash flow requirements including investing and borrowing estimates.


The report provided an update of the treasury management prudential indicators, as required in the prudential code and Local Government Act and set revised indicators for the remainder of the year.  The table at paragraph 4.3 of the report set out how these revisions and their impact on the cost of council tax and financing costs, in relation to the net revenue stream.


Members noted the key revision as the Capital Financing Requirement, this reflected the Council’s borrowing need for 2022/23, and had increased from £38.241m to £39.068m due to a change in the opening balance of the Capital Financing Requirement, after closing the accounts for 2021/22. 


The Council was currently holding around £20m of investments on a regularly monthly basis at the mid-year point, this was in the main due to additional grants from Government, however the Councils cashflow had been revised and by year end balances were expected to be lower. 


The report also indicated that the Council’s external borrowing may need to increase in the short term to smooth peaks and troughs in cashflow.


Finally, the report gave an update on the wider economy and interest rate forecasts, provided by the Council’s external Treasury advisors Link Asset Services.


Debate ensued and a question was raised in relation to the table on page 77 of the reports pack, headed Prudential indicator for Capital Expenditure. Members noted that there appeared to large difference between the original and revised estimate, particularly in respect of “Our People” and “Our Places”.  Members sought indication as to the reasons for this and whether this should be cause for concern.


In responding, the Section 151 Officer advised Members that in respect of “Our Place” this was due to delays and delivery on the LUF programme, but undertook to provide greater detail to all Members outside of the meeting in coming weeks.


Responding to comments around whether asset disposal should be considered given the nature of financial markets, the Section 151 Officer, reminded Members that, some assets generated an income which could be used for revenue reasons and allowed for a balanced budget.  If an asset was sold, whilst it would generate a one-off capital receipt, accounting regulations would only allow for that money to be used for capital expenditure going forward.   As such it was balancing act, ensuring the Council had access to the right types of fund at any one time.


Having been moved and seconded it was


RESOLVED that the recommendation from the Corporate Policy and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 129.


Appointment of Interim Monitoring Officer pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


Members gave consideration to a report which sought the re-designation of the statutory position of Monitoring Officer, under the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, with effect from 28 February, the date on which the current post holder would leave the organisation.


Given the time which needed to be allowed for permanent recruitment to such a role, and the fact that the Council could not lawfully be without the Statutory Officer, an interim position had been created.


In presenting the report, the Chief Executive paid tribute to the current Monitoring Officer for her support to him and the wider Council over her 13-year career with the organisation.  He also shared with Members some of the attributes and previous experience the Interim Officer held, noting that it was intended the interim arrangement would be in place until around July.


Members across the Chamber paid tribute to the outgoing Monitoring Officer, speaking of her professionalism, integrity and of the difficult and often sensitive nature of the role, thanking her for the supportive way she had undertaken her duties.  Well wishes for future endeavours were expressed by many.


On being put to the vote it was RESOLVED that: -


(a)      In accordance with the terms of Part I, 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (as amended) and all subsequent related legislation, Jeanette McGarry be appointed as the Council’s Interim Monitoring Officer, from the 28th February 2023 until a permanent Officer is recruited and approved by Council; and


(b)      the Constitution be amended, as necessary, to reflect this revised appointment.