
Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions

Contact: Katie Storr  Senior Democratic and Civic Officer


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s)

Additional documents:


Extraordinary Meeting of Council - 25 April 2024 pdf icon PDF 214 KB

To confirm and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council held on 25 April 2024.



Additional documents:


Council - 24 June 2024 pdf icon PDF 243 KB

To confirm and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held on 24 June 2024.




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Members' Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point and may also make them at any point during the meeting.



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Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Setting out the current position of previously agreed actions as at 22 August 2024.



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i)               Chairman of Council

ii)              Leader of the Council

iii)            Head of Paid Service



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Public Question Time

Questions, if received, under this Scheme will be published by way of supplement following closure of the deadline.



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Questions Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No. 9

Questions, if received, under this Scheme will be published by way of supplement following closure of the deadline.



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Motions Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No. 10

Motion 1





The Household Support Fund was introduced in October 2021 to help struggling households through the Covid Crisis by providing them with additional funds allowing them to afford things like energy, food, clothing and other essentials.  Post Covid the Government have kept the fund open to help households cope with the cost of living crisis.    


The Government distribute the money through the County Councils and Unitary Authorities.   Lincolnshire County Council work closely with the District Councils to ensure that the funds reach those most in need.  In this year’s budget speech, the Chancellor announced a 6 month extension to the scheme from March 2024 to October 2024 with no plans or commitment for funding beyond that date.     


West Lindsey’s Corporate Plan 2023 - 2027 recognises that levels of fuel poverty and child poverty are on the increase with 27.4% of households experiencing child poverty.  The State of the District 2023 states that 20.1% of the children aged 0-15, live in absolute low-income households, defined as below 60% of the median income.   This means that around 3000 youngsters could potentially see a further reduction in their already low standard of living and well being after October 2024 when the Household Support Fund comes to an end.   This can not be allowed to happen.  


This Council instruct the Leader and Chief Executive to write to the Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Leigh MP for Gainsborough Constituency, Rt. Hon. Sir Keir Starmer MP - Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Rachel Reeves, Chancellor of The Exchequer and The Treasury to petition for the establishment of a further three-year extension to The Household Support Fund from October 2024.


I so move.

Councillor Stephen Bunney”



Motion 2


“Motion to call upon West Lindsey District Council and NHS Commissioners to improve access to health care across the district prioritising the construction of a new GP surgery in Gainsborough.


Purpose: To address the urgent need for improved healthcare services in Gainsborough by establishing a new General Practitioner (GP) service to cater for the growing population and current demand.




  1. Current Situation:

o   The population of West Lindsey District has been steadily increasing, leading to higher demand for healthcare services.

o   Existing GP services are under significant pressure, resulting in longer waiting times for appointments and limited availability of medical professionals.

o   Residents have expressed concerns about the accessibility and quality of current GP services and inconsistent provision across the district.


  1. Impact on Community:

o   Inadequate GP services can lead to delayed diagnoses and treatments, negatively impacting on the health and wellbeing of residents.

o   Overburdened healthcare professionals may experience burnout, further exacerbating the problem.

o   Insufficient medical services can deter new residents and businesses from moving to the area, affecting local development.




  1. Immediate Actions:

o   To call on the ICB to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to demonstrate accurate need around GP provision.

o   Engage with local health authorities, NHS representatives, and community stakeholders to gather input and support for the initiative.


  1. Long-Term Strategy:

o   Develop a  ...  view the full agenda text for item 8.

Additional documents:


Reports for Determination

Additional documents:


Recommendation from the Governance and Audit Committee 11 June 2024 - Establishment of the Joint Committee for Devolution (Terms of Reference and Standing Orders) pdf icon PDF 368 KB

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Recommendation from Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 27 June 2024 - Annual Treasury Management Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 798 KB

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