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Contact: Andrew Warnes Democratic and Civic Officer - 01427 676595
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Public Participation Period Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each. Additional documents: Minutes: There was no public participation at this point in the meeting.
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 304 KB i) Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 2 February 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 2 February 2022 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.
Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor I. Fleetwood declared that all the Members of the Planning Committee had received an email at 11.28am on the day of the meeting, containing a solicitor’s letter from Richard Buxton for agenda item 6b, application number 143701. The Chairman stated that he had skimmed the letter, and summary, but said he had not read it in detail.
Councillor C. McCartney declared that she was Ward Member for agenda item 6b, application number 143701. She would speak to the Committee as a Ward Member on the application, but as such would step down from the Committee for the rest of that item.
Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy
Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link
Additional documents: Minutes: Members heard an update provided by the Planning Manager. He gave a brief update on the changes. He stated that on the Hemswell and Harpswell joint Neighbourhood Plan, they had submitted a plan, with the Submission consultation planned for 14 April. The Officer also spoke about the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, which had been agreed on Monday 28 February. Members heard that it was to go for public consultation, including further publication and press release.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the first application of the meeting, application number 142855, for an Automotive Research and Development Centre at Blyton Park Driving Centre, Kirton Road, Blyton. This item had been deferred from the Committee’s previous meeting, with a site visit having taken place in the intervening time.
The Planning Officer stated that there were no other updates from the report. The Chairman stated that there were three registered speakers regarding the application. He then invited the first, Mr Alistair Wood, Agent for the Applicant, to address the Committee.
Mr Wood stated that following the site visit, Members should better understand the Driving Centre’s operation on a typical day. The agent stated that the main Research and Development facility was to diversify the business and driving centre. The agent stated that the site operated every day.
Regarding the potential noise, the agent stated that the noise was monitored, and that any issue regarding potential increased noise would not be the case. The speaker referred to the new accommodation of electric vehicles, giving way to a net reduction in noise. The agent aimed to specifically answer queries from the objector raised at the previous meeting regarding noise level issues. The agent stated that the old airfield had been used for motor vehicles for a long time, referencing that the burial ground started operation in 2010, with the current set up of the driving centre having existed at the time. He referred to issues of increased usage, stating that usage would have a net reduction and stated that the driving centre had worked with the Green Burial site regarding notification of funerals, and reaffirmed that they would still co-operate with the business regardless of any decision made by the Committee.
With regards to the points about the usage of other buildings, the agent stated that the proposed building had to be close to the track in order to facilitate the necessary research and development aspects of the proposal. He explained that it was low profile within the landscape, designed to not appear out of place, and whilst also contemporary, was supposed to reflect previous buildings on the site, notably the air tower. He went on to state that granting the application would allow for the business to diversify and expand locally, in addition to the development of electric cars generally. The agent concluded by stating that the applicant and application would work with the local plans.
The Chairman thanked Mr Wood for his comments and noted that the first of the registered objectors to the application, Mr and Mrs Hatch, had submitted a statement to be read on their behalf. He invited the Democratic Services Officer to read the following statement.
“Dear Sir/ Madam,
“I am writing to give my statement about our concerns with the proposed development of the Blyton Racetrack.
“Our main concerns are the following.
“One. Noise. The current system of measuring noise is inadequate being just one unit and on the first corner. It is almost laughable that ... view the full minutes text for item 101. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the second application of the meeting, application number 143701, for the siting of 2no. feed bins at Manor Farm, Main Road, Kingerby Market Rasen, LN8 3PU.
The Planning Officer provided several updates to his report. Members heard that residents had made further representations regarding comments already made, including damage to water mains. The Officer stated that he had also received a letter from a solicitor regarding the application and went on to summarise the letter contents. The Officer then gave a presentation on the main features and designs of the application, showing site plans, photos of the silos, the farm, and the nearby area.
The Chairman noted there were four registered speakers on the application and invited the first speaker, the agent for the applicant, Mr Ian Pick, to address the Committee.
During his statement, Mr Pick stated that the application was only for two feed bins. He noted that it had been an existing livestock building for about 50 years and been both a cattle and pig shed. He explained that there had been communication with the Planning Enforcement Team and that under Section 55 of the Town and Country Planning Act, building for agricultural purposes did not need planning permission. He reiterated that the application was just related to feed silos and highlighted that the site was lawfully used for pigs.
The Chairman thanked Mr Pick and invited the second speaker, Mr David Chambers, to address the Committee.
In his statement, Mr Chambers stated that he lived 220 metres away from the site in question. Regarding the aspect that the Committee was only looking at the silos, he stated that he found it nonsensical, referencing the disturbances due to the site and stated that he had serious concerns about the legality of the proposals. He noted in the recent history of the silos that they were installed two years ago to reduce traffic, but 1500 pigs had been moved in a few days after the installation. He highlighted that the impact of the new silos being the size they were meant intensification and that it did require planning approval.
Mr Chambers stated that further works meant the site basically had a new building and he asserted that the building was being used illegally due to the lack of change of use application. He explained he had sent an objection 18 months ago regarding the livestock units but had only received one phone call, no letter, stating that it was the farmer's right to choose. In reference to page 11 of the Officer's report, Mr Chambers stated that noise was problematic at all times of the day.
In relation to the change of use, Mr Chambers explained that he had contacted the Planning Manager but had not received an update on outstanding legal matters. He asserted there were ten properties within 250m of the site, downwind from the prevailing wind and that any units for agriculture needed to be 400m away. By way of conclusion, ... view the full minutes text for item 102. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the third application of the meeting, application number 144217, for 2no. bungalow dwellings - resubmission of application 143410, at land North of Normanby Rise, Claxby, Market Rasen. The Planning Officer stated that there was no update regarding the application and gave a short presentation on the main features of the application.
The Chairman stated there was one registered speaker for the application and invited the applicant, Mr Merrigan, to address the Committee.
Me Merrigan thanked the Planning Officer and Planning Manager for their time and efforts over the last weeks since the previous rejection of the application in working on an application that had near universal support. He commented that he could not remember a time that an application had come to the Planning Committee that had had been supported by every consultee, including the Parish Council, the AONB, and the West Lindsey District Council Planning department. He added that this demonstrated that working together facilitated an agreeable solution that could deliver high quality sustainable homes, in addition to increased employment, both for the applicant, and local merchants who would construct the proposed properties. Mr Merrigan finished his statement by thanking the Committee, and expressed that he hoped to provide quality homes in Claxby.
The Chairman thanked Mr Merrigan for his statement and invited comments from the Committee.
Members noted the difference between this application and the one previously refused by the Committee. One Member pointed to the design and the layout on the proposed properties, and that this proposal had no negative comments in the application. Later in the item, an additional Member raised similar commendations about the application. Another Member also raised that the engagement with the Parish Council was good, and that the applicants had taken on board local interest and comments about the proposed site.
The issue of parking was drawn to attention by a Member’s question about ensuring there was enough space. The Member stated that with a narrow road, and with the site located in a rural location, it would be difficult if there was no condition about parking. The Member also remarked that it would be difficult to move combine harvesters in rural areas such as Claxby without suitable off-road parking arrangements. The Officer confirmed that there was sufficient space made in the application for parking, with it provided off-road, and a single garage for each property. He also confirmed that there was no objection from Lincolnshire County Council’s Highways department.
Another concern raised was regarding the hedges proposed on the site, in reference to condition 9. A Member questioned whether the hedge on the property needed restocking. The Officer explained that there were hedges existing on the southern boundary, stating that the condition meant they had to be kept, with another planned to be laid on the Western side.
With the application having been proposed and seconded, on voting it was unanimously agreed that permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:
Conditions stating the ... view the full minutes text for item 103. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the final application of the evening, application number 143981, for change of use from former Methodist Chapel to a dwelling to include interior alterations and exterior refurbishment at The Former Methodist Chapel, Wickenby Road, Lissington, Lincoln, LN3 5AE. The Planning Officer stated that there was no further update on the report made to the Committee. The Officer gave a short presentation on the plans and main features of the application.
Note: Councillor D. Dobbie left the meeting at 8.08pm and returned at 8.09pm
The Chairman stated there were no registered speakers for this application and invited comments from the Committee.
One Member stated that she used to regularly drive past this property and respected the comments from the local authority. She explained it had been empty for some time, and, with it being located in the heart of the village, she hoped it would become an asset.
Clarification was sought by a Member regarding the parking on top of the septic tank and soakaways, asking if this was usual practice. The Officer commented that there was a condition, No.7, which stated notwithstanding the submitted plan (which showed a septic tank) that full details of the proposed scheme for foul and surface water drainage must be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The Officer then stated that the applicant was aware of comments from building control that a septic tank was not suitable for the site.
Another Member queried about fire safety concerns, with only one access door into the property proposed. The Officer clarified that this was an application that had been granted previously in 2017 and had then expired. The Officer then went on to state this was a matter for Building Control.
Other Members drew their comments to the potential upkeep that the application presented. One Member commended the conditions as it kept the historic nature of the property intact, and another stated that the proposed application would tidy up the area, with a good vision of the area.
With the application having been proposed and seconded, on voting it was agreed that permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To conform with Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:
2. No works shall take place until a full historic building recording (see notes to applicants below) of the chapels (interior and exterior) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure the preparation and implementation of an appropriate scheme of archaeological mitigation and in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.
Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:
Determination of Appeals PDF 126 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: During this item, the Chairman stated that Members should be aware of likely changes to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, the Neighbourhood Plans, and the National Planning Policy Framework. The Chairman advised Members to read and to stay informed of the changes.
The determination of the appeals were NOTED. |