Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions

Contact: Ele Snow  Senior Democratic and Civic Officer


No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 6 September 2022 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.




Members' Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point and may also make them at any point during the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest made at this point in the meeting.




Matters Arising Schedule pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Matters arising schedule setting out current position of previously agreed actions as at 26 September 2022

Additional documents:


The matters arising schedule, setting out the position of previously agreed actions, as at 26 September 2022, was presented to Members.  Brief verbal updates were given in respect of the two green actions, with assurance being offered that those matters referenced in the green action entitled “Questions arising from O and S re Leisure Provision” were being worked on and would be amalgamated with any matters discussed in the later agenda item, on the evening’s agenda, and in anticipation of Everyone Active’s visit to the Committee’s  November meeting.


With no questions and with no requirement for a vote, the Matters Arising were duly NOTED.




Presentation Item - The work of Future4Me Team - Prevention and early Intervention in respect of youth offending.

Presentation by Tony Pryce and Andy Cook from the Future 4 Me team regarding their work with prevention and early intervention with youth offending.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Guest Speakers, from Future4Me which incorporated Youth Justice, Mr Andy Cook and Mr Tony Pryce, who in opening outlined the roles they held, the nature of these, and the purpose of the evening’s presentation.  This being to provide an overview of the Team’s work, demonstrate its diverse nature, the approach used and its impact and effectiveness.  The service was dedicated to providing across the board support for adolescents, including those who were involved in the youth offending system.


Mr Cook set out the context in which the Team worked


·       A Large rural, coastal county, which brought with it geographical and logistical issues

·       147,000 children 

·       360 schools across the county

·       76 maintained, academy or special secondary schools

·       Approximately  50,000 children on roll at secondary school

·       The areas of highest deprivation in Lincolnshire can be found in pockets of the major towns and along the coast

·       Approximately 150 children in the youth justice system



A large proportion of Mr Cook’s teams work was multi-agency, with a multi-disciplinary team.  Whilst core activities were funded by the County Council, key funders were also the Youth Justice Board and the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner, with resources also provided from a number of partnership agencies including Police Officers, Probation Service, Health Workers, Court Officials and Education.


Mr Cook hoped that the presentation given would demonstrate the changed approach since the establishment of his Team in 2018.  With the main drivers being diversionary and prevention, at the centre of which were the decisions taken by the Joint Diversionary Panel which would be further expanded on later in the presentation.


The legal framework in which the Youth Offending Teams worked and their Statutory functions were outlined to the Committee, as set out in the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 :-

·       to co-ordinate the provision of youth justice services for all those in the authority’s area who need them

·       to carry out such functions assigned in the youth justice plan formulated by the local authority


There were 3 National targets set by the Youth Justice Board, these being: -

·       Number in Custody

·       Number of First Time Entrants

·       Rate of Re-Offending


A consultation was underway to move to more qualitative measures nationally, and this was the approach Lincolnshire partners had used for a time.


A summary of the outcomes achieved in recent years, in respect of Youth Crime, were shared with the Committee during which it was noted


·       There had been a significant reduction in first time entrants

·       There were low numbers of children in youth custody

·       There had been an overall decrease in children being arrested and detained.

·       Many more children were given restorative outcomes.

·       There was a smaller core group of young people influencing re-offending rates

·       There had been a specific focus on tackling links to drug supply and exploitation

·       Specific interventions to reduce serious violence and knife crime.

·       The importance and stability of Education, Training and Employment and had been recognised

·       Multiple complex needs recognised and addressed

·       There had been collaboration work with district  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 307 KB

Additional documents:


In response to a Member’s question, Officers confirmed that a revised over-arching Enforcement Policy, followed by service specific enforcement policies, were anticipated for consideration by the Prosperous Communities, outlining the current timeline with the first scheduled for November 2022.


With no further comments, questions, or requirement for a vote, the Forward Plan was DULY NOTED.




Committee Workplan pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


Members gave consideration to the proposed work plan for upcoming meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, noting those items referenced at the bottom of the Plan, which were pending inclusion.


With no questions or comments, the work plan was DULY NOTED.




Exclusion of Public and Press

To resolve that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.




Preparation Item - Everyone Active


It was explained to the Committee that there would be representatives from Everyone Active attending the November meeting, having previously visited in March 2022, and the intention of the discussion item was to ascertain areas of focus from Members.


Before opening the matter for discussion, the Chairman advised the Committee that her preference would be for Members to focus on reviewing progress on those areas and issues raised previously, but would be guided by Members.


At the request of the Chairman, noting the change in Membership since the last visit, the Democratic Officer, supporting the meeting, summarised briefly the matters which had been raised, as follows: -


·       Cleanliness of wet side change rooms: - on 29 March Members were advised that drainage issues in the wet-side changing rooms, had been recognised by the company and there was an agreed list of works and remedial action to begin addressing these areas. A full site inspection had been undertaken, with weekly and monthly walk-arounds also being implemented.


·       Review of Suppliers: - on 29 March Members were advised a review of suppliers had begun recognising the preference to use local services but needing to balance that with improving standards which could result in using outside contractors, for example for cleaning and maintenance.


·       Pool Experience and length of time to resolve issues – having raised personal experiences of the using the swimming pool – assurances were given that the scheduled repairs, servicing, maintenance and ad hoc works would be prioritised in order to improve the facilities for users.


·       User Numbers and Improving Access to Facilities – On 29 March Members were advised, it was recognised that there was scope for the use of, for example the sports hall or pitches, to be reviewed, in light of specific examples provided by Members.


·       Future Engagement Work - On 29 March Members were advised, focus for future work was to engage with community groups, sports clubs, volunteer activity groups and find a way to enable people to participate at whichever level they felt comfortable.  Improving access to activities for all, and working with local groups to increase availability of services, was the priority for improving overall wellbeing as the district, and country, emerged post-pandemic.


Members indicated they were in agreement for all of the above items highlighted to be re-raised as part of any presentation.


Members also suggested the following areas: -

·       An update on the outreach service

·       Recent complaints regarding water temperatures and cleanliness

·       Lack of improvements to wet-side


In concluding, Members were in agreement for the discussions to be summarised and shared with the Everyone Active and relevant Officers, in order to inform their presentation to the Committee at the November meeting.


It was respectfully requested that those presenting be in a position to answer questions posed, that there be clarity in the information and that sufficient time be allowed for questions and follow ups.


Members also indicated it would be useful to understand the limits of the contract, to enable Members to understand what  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.