Committee details

Purpose of committee

(A sub-committee of the Licensing Act 2003 Committee)

To discharge the responsibility for liquor licensing including -

a) Application for Personal Licence – if Police Objection

b) Application for Personal Licence – if unspent convictions

c) Application for Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate – if relevant representation is made.

d) Application for Provisional Statement – if relevant representation is made.

e) Application to vary Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate – if relevant representation is made.

f) Application to vary designated premises supervisor – if a Police objection

g) Application for transfer of Premises Licence – if a Police objection

h) Application for Interim Authority – if a Police objection

i) Application to review Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate

j) Decision to object when local authority is a consultee and not the relevant authority considering the application.

k) Determination of an objection to a Temporary Event Notice by the Police or Environmental Health Officer.

l) Application for premises licences where representations have been received and not withdrawn.

m) Application for a variation to a licence where representations have been received and not withdrawn

n) Application for a provisional statement where representations have been received and not withdrawn

o) Review of premises licence

p) Application for club gaming/club machine permits where objections have been made and not withdrawn

q) Cancellation of club gaming/club machine permits

r) Decision to give a counter notice to a temporary use notice



Any member of the Licensing Committee may be called upon to sit on the Licensing Sub-Committee to deal with applications under the Licensing Act 2003 (three Members plus one reserve).

Meetings of the Licensing Sub-Committee be convened as and when necessary. The provisions of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 do not apply.

The quorum shall be three Members.

Any Member wishing to serve or substitute on this Sub-Committee must have undertaken such training as deemed appropriate by the Monitoring Officer, and as a minimum, within the previous two years of the date of the meeting.
