Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Andrew Warnes Democratic and Civic Officer - 01427 676595
No. | Item | |||||||||
Public Participation Period Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman stated that there was one registered speaker under the Public Participation Scheme, Mr Chris Thomas, who was invited to address the Committee as follows:-
“I am here representing the Ryland Residents’ Group which represents a large group of people in Welton. Having been excluded from the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (CLLP) consultations and ignored during the examination hearings, we have grave concerns regarding the excessive level of development planned for Welton.
With the development in the current plan and the draft plan, Welton will see a growth rate in excess of 50% - 1000 homes. Sharing critical infrastructure with Dunholme, where another 400 homes will be built, there will potentially be 8 sites under construction at the same time. This will be more than any other area in West Lindsey. To cap it all, the site owners have stated that they intend to build out more sites within the next 5 years.
Welton will be one giant building site and there will be nowhere for families who move into these homes to send the children to school. William Farr School is full and there are insufficient primary school places for the developments currently taking place.
There will be no local doctors – the GP surgery is already so overwhelmed that it is considering closing its patients list.
There will not be any green spaces and the sites will become soulless identical housing estates. There will be few parking spaces and yet all of these developments will be dependent on cars. It is a complete mess which you cannot allow to happen.
The CLLP team proposed developments to be phased over the plan period of 20 years. The trajectory is laid down in Appendix 1, Matter 9 of the hearing statement. However this intention has now been torpedoed by the developers who have persuaded Inspectors to remove phasing because the Council’s Prosperous Communities Committee was misadvised and voted against it back in May last year.
We have been assured in writing by the CLLP team that this was overridden by the Joint Committee decision to impose phasing which Inspectors have now supported. I spoke at the Prosperous Communities Committee last night but the Chairman shut down any discussion. Therefore, I would like to know what you are going to do to ensure that these sites are built out over the 20 year period and not crammed in to a short period of time.
This is a matter of great urgency as a final window to make representations on the draft plan closes on 25 February.
We the residents of Welton and Dunholme, whom you represent, demand that you act immediately. Thank you for listening. I am happy to clarify any particular issue.”
In thanking Mr Thomas for his contribution, the Chairman indicated that it was not possible under the Council’s Constitution to discuss any of the points made during the period of public participation. The Chairman stated that he would refer the matter to the Development Management Manager for ... view the full minutes text for item 94. |
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 406 KB i) Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 4 January 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 4 January 2023 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.
Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mrs A. White stated that she had been contacted by telephone by an objector to item 6(b) application number 145617 who stated that particular information had not been included on the Council’s website. She understood that this information had subsequently been posted on the website and had advised the objector that she could not comment as she was a member of the Planning Committee.
Councillor P. Morris declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 6(c) application number 145857 as one of the applicants was well known to him and that he would vacate the chamber during the consideration of this item.
Councillor J. Summers declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 6(a) application number 145868, stating that some 20 years ago he had lived in a property situated over the hedge from the site. He had taken the opportunity to view the site more recently and had not declared any intentions with regard to the application prior to this meeting.
Councillor R. Waller declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 6(b) application number 145617 stating that he was the Local Ward Member for Sudbrooke but had not taken part in any discussions by the Parish Council or the applicant’s agent prior to the matter being brought before this Committee and would remain and participate in the Committee’s deliberations.
Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy
Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link
Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Management Manager reminded Members that at the last meeting, he had reported that the Government had published a consultation on the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to National Planning Policy on 22nd December 2022. The consultation sought views on the proposed approach to updating the National Planning Policy Framework. As well as seeking views on the proposed approach to preparing National Development Management Policies, the consultation also asked how policy might be developed to better support levelling up, and how national planning policy was currently accessed by users. The consultation closed on 2 March 2023. It was indicated that a consultation response coordinated by Officers would be submitted by West Lindsey District Council.
As part of this process, a virtual Member workshop had been organised for 22nd February in order to provide an overview of the consultation and give Members an opportunity to give their views on proposals.
Equally, Members were able to respond to the consultation in their own right using the following link:-
In response to the Inspector's Post Hearing Letter, the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee had prepared a schedule of Recommended Main Modifications to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, which had now been published for consultation. The consultation ran until 24th February. Following this, the Council expected to receive the Inspectors Report. The process still anticipated an adoption date of 13th April. The draft Local Plan still had limited weight in terms of decision making. However as the process progressed this would increase and officer reports and planning decisions would start to reflect this in the coming months.
With regard to local issues the Development Management Manager advised the Committee of the progress of recent Neighbourhood Plans as follows:-
145868 - Land off Private Lane, Normanby-By-Spital PDF 169 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
The Planning Officer gave an update to the published report. An objection letter from four neighbours had been retracted following positive talks with the landowner and following the amendments that had been made to the application which they believed met their initial concerns.
However, West View on Private Lane still had an objection to the requirement from Lincolnshire County Council for the extension of the footway along Private Lane. They believed that the number of pedestrian movements down Private Lane was insignificant and that it was not needed on highway safety grounds and also from a visual amenity point of view. They believed that a tarmac footpath would have a negative impact on the street scene, a grass verge currently existed. The Planning Officer then gave a brief history of the site and outlined the proposals as referred to in the application.
The Chairman then invited Mr Andrew Clover, agent for the applicants, to address the Committee:-
“Thank you very much and good evening. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak in support of this application but before I get into my speech, I just wanted to point out that there are actually some 3D visuals of the properties on the application which if you've had the opportunity to see, may explain the design a little bit more easily than the elevations.
This application is before you today, as a joint objection was submitted by 4 local residents on the 2nd of January. As you have heard, following these objections my clients, have taken time to discuss the application with each of the residents to explain the proposal and to alleviate their concerns. Consequently, on Monday of this week three of the objections were fully retracted and the fourth partially retracted. The partial retraction is from West View, the property adjacent the proposed access point off Private Lane.
These residents have no objections to the proposed dwellings or the proposed access route. Their only remaining objection relates to the Lincolnshire County Council request for the roadside footpath to be extended approximately 20 metres in front of their property up to the site entrance. The applicant understands why West View feel this is unnecessary and are of a similar opinion. However, as the request was made by Highways and supported by the Planning Officer, it was agreed to add this to the scheme.
If the objections had been retracted earlier, I'm sure this application would not have been before you today and would have been approved under delegated powers. The applicant obtained pre-application advice prior to instructing us to prepare the scheme. The advice provided by officers has been followed and any subsequent requests for changes or further information ... view the full minutes text for item 98. |
145617 - "The Spinney", 12 Scothern Lane, Sudbrooke PDF 203 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the next application of the meeting, application number 145617, seeking permission for a first floor extension and garage alterations at The Spinney, 12 Scothern Lane Sudbrooke. This application had been referred to the Committee following objections from the Parish Council which had stated that the proposals were in conflict with the policies contained in the Sudbrooke Neighbourhood Plan.
The Planning Officer gave an update to the published report, stating that there had been 10 further objections from addresses outside the village, namely, Waddington, Welton, Dunholme, Nettleham, Fiskerton and Ingham, along with two more objections from Golden Acre, Scothern Lane Sudbrooke and two further objections from Five Mile House, Scothern Lane Sudbrooke.
The objections were based around the size and scale of the proposed development and the overbearing and overlooking impact. It had been stated that the proposed development did not accord with the policies contained in the Sudbrooke Neighbourhood Plan.
The Committee was advised that all of these representations were late and had been made outside the statutory consultation period and were mainly from addresses not directly affected by the development. It was therefore considered that the objections carried little weight and did not result in the need to amend the report recommendations.
The Planning Officer then proceeded to give a brief outline of the history of the site and the actual development proposed.
The Chairman then invited the applicant’s agent, Mr Chris Henderson to address the Committee as follows:-
“Good evening and thanks for the opportunity to address the Committee on behalf of the applicants in support of this application. I'll endeavour to keep this brief, as all relevant policies and planning related issues have been addressed by the case officer as detailed in the report.
This Householder application proposes internal alterations and a first floor extension to the existing dormer bungalow. It is important to note there that there is no proposal to increase the ground floor footprint of the existing dwelling. The application also seeks a marginal increase in the footprint of the existing garage and the addition of a home office within the roof space.
The application site is a substantial plot, extending to approximately 0.65 acres set in mature landscaped grounds, with robust natural land boundaries. The property is set well back from the road behind a mature tree band which is subject to a tree preservation order. A detailed tree survey has been submitted with the application, the recommendations of which have been accepted by the local authority’s tree officer.
The neighbouring bungalow to the north of the site at number 14 has recently been demolished following the granting of planning permission for a large two storey dwelling with detached garage and workshop, with storage space and roof windows at first floor level. The new replacement dwelling which is currently under construction will be considerably higher than the proposal before you.
The neighbouring property to the south, No.10 is a detached dormer bungalow which has recently had a rear extension constructed. ... view the full minutes text for item 99. |
145857 - 10 & 12 Chapel Street, Caistor PDF 142 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the next application of the meeting, application number 145857 which sought planning permission for two storey rear extensions at 10 & 12 Chapel Street, Caistor, Market Rasen. The application had been brought before the Committee as one of the applicants was from the immediate family of a Member of the Council.
The Planning Officer reported one update to the published report, which was a letter of no objection from the Caistor Civic Society. This had no effect on the report recommendation. The Planning Officer then proceeded to give a brief outline of the proposals.
There were no registered speakers, and the Chairman invited comments from Members of the Committee.
During the discussion, reference was made to access to the site and the Planning Officer clarified the position. Overall Members considered that the proposal would present a tidier site in keeping with the character of the area.
Having been proposed and seconded, the Chairman put the application to the vote and it was agreed unanimously that planning permission should be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:-
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced
1. The development herby permitted must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
To conform with section 91(1) 0f the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:
2. No development shall take place until a written scheme of archaeological investigation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. This scheme shall include the following:
1. An assessment of significance and proposed mitigation strategy (i.e. preservation by record, preservation in situ or a mix of these elements). 2. A methodology and timetable of site investigation and recording. 3. Provision for site analysis. 4. Provision for publication and dissemination of analysis and records. 5. Provision for archive deposition. 6. Nomination of a competent person/organisation to undertake the work. 7. The scheme to be in accordance with the Lincolnshire Archaeological Handbook.
Reason: To ensure the preparation and implementation of an appropriate scheme of archaeological mitigation and in accordance with policy LP25 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.
3. The local planning authority shall be notified in writing of the intention to commence the archaeological investigations in accordance with the approved written scheme referred to in condition 2 at least 14 days before the said commencement. No variation shall take place without prior written consent of the local planning authority.
Reason: In order to facilitate the appropriate monitoring arrangements and to ensure the satisfactory archaeological investigation and retrieval of archaeological finds in accordance with LP25 of the CLLP and the National Planning Policy Framework.
Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:
4. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this permission, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in ... view the full minutes text for item 100. |
Determination of Appeals PDF 123 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The determination of appeals was NOTED.