Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions

Contact: Ele Durrant, Democratic and Civic Officer  01427 676606

No. Item


To Elect a Chairman for this Meeting Only


The Democratic and Civic Officer opened the meeting and introductions were made. She then asked for nominations for Chairman and it was


RESOLVED that Councillor Jessie Milne be elected Chairman of the Licensing Sub-Committee for this meeting.


Members' Declarations of Interest

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.





Licence Hearing pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Licence Number: TBC

Hearing Type: Application for the Grant of Premises Licence

Applicant: Mr Lee Fox

Premises: “Kings Entertainment Venue” Trinity Street, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2AL


Additional documents:


Licence Number: TBC

Hearing Type: Grant of a Premises Licence

Premises: “Kings Entertainment Venue” Trinity Street, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN21 2AL

Applicant:  Mr Lee Fox


The Chairman set out the procedure that would be followed, as detailed in Appendix A to the agenda. The Licensing and Land Charges Team Manager was requested to present his report, which set out the circumstances leading to the application having being brought before the Sub-Committee, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.


The applicant then outlined his application, highlighting the following points:


·         The hope was to turn Kings into an entertainment centre that would encompass as many different parts of the community as possible.  He did not want the venue to simply be a nightclub, or public house;


·         An access ramp had been installed to allow disabled access to the building;


·         The community had asked whether different types of nights could be hosted, namely band nights, comedy nights, jazz nights and opera nights;


·         Coffee mornings and refreshments were an option, to be held whilst the bar was closed;


·         Young people under the age of 18 would be supervised on the premises and must have adults present to keep an eye on them;


·         Lincolnshire Police have specified the CCTV system they would recommend; the applicant would be happy to install this.  Cameras would also desirable for the outside of the property;


·         Before sending in his application, the applicant consulted with Lincolnshire Police, and was sent a document with all of their conditions attached.  This was attached at Appendix 2 of the agenda pack.


At this point, Lincolnshire Police then gave their views on the application:


·         Lincolnshire Police did not object to this application in principle;


·         A set of conditions were sent to the applicant.  This was prior to the application being submitted;


·         A site visit was carried out by the Police; the only problem that was foreseen was the wide array of events that the applicant wanted to hold;


·         Some events will have very little risk attached to them, whereas others, such as football matches, boxing and wrestling have a higher level of risk;


·         The work done on the building itself was very impressive; the Police want to back up this work by upholding the licensing conditions.



Members then took the opportunity to ask questions of the applicant.  Further information was provided;


·         There will be a ticket office at the venue; alternatively there will be an online booking facility.  Events will be ticket-only;


·         The applicant had worked in several similar establishments many years ago.  There were three gentlemen who were ex-landlords that will help run the property;


·         There will be appropriate door staff for the sale of alcohol;


·         The property was in a residential area with a lot of street parking around.  The applicant had been speaking to Tesco, who were happy to give the use of their rear car park for excess car parking;


·         Adult entertainment is allowed once a month for eleven months for no longer than twenty-four hours.  The applicant had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.