Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Ele Snow Democratic and Civic Officer
No. | Item |
Public Participation Period Up to 15 minutes are allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each. Additional documents: Minutes: There was no public participation at this point in the meeting. |
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 503 KB i) Meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 26 May, 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record.
Declarations of Interest Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any time during the course of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor D. Cotton declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6d, application number 142772, in that he was Chairman of the Parish Council, however, he would be retaining his seat as a Member of the Planning Committee, not addressing the meeting as either a Parish Councillor or Ward Member and considering the item with an open mind.
Councillor R. Patterson clarified for the Committee he was Ward Member for agenda item 6f, application number 142872, however he would not be speaking to the application.
Councillor M. Boles declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 6a, application number 142225, in that he had previously worked with the applicant however he remained unbiased towards to application and had not undertaken any conversation regarding the application.
Councillor J. Milne declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 6a, application number 142225, in that she had accompanied Sir Edward Leigh, MP, on a site visit and had met with the owner and local residents as a part of that visit. She confirmed she had not participated in any discussion regarding the application and had not formed any opinion. She confirmed she was sitting as a Member of the Planning Committee with an open mind on the application.
Update on Government/Local Changes in Planning Policy
Note – the status of Neighbourhood Plans in the District may be found via this link
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee heard from the Principal Development Management Officer regarding recent changes to Planning Policy. In relation to Neighbourhood Plans, he explained that referendums had been held in Scotton, Bishop Norton, Gainsborough and Laughton. All referendums were successful and these plans would be adopted by Full Council on 28 June 2021. With regard to the Sturton by Stow Neighbourhood Plan, the joint NeighbourhoodPlan had been approved for submission and consultation was underway. There was also a consultation on the draft version on a Neighbourhood Plan for Hemswell Cliff.
In relation to policy updates, there had been a written Ministerial Statement which introduced changes to the provision of affordable homes. The written statement would come into effect on 28 June 2021.
A Member of the Committee requested that the link to the Government briefing was shared with Members and it was agreed this would be undertaken.
142225 - Willingham by Stow PDF 1009 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced planning application number 142225 for change of use of land from agricultural to siting of up to 12no. touring caravan pitches (4no. hardstanding and 8no. grass pitches), 2no. bell tents, 2no. glamping pods, creation of a permanent natural pond, associated access and parking and retention of building for welfare facilities. Members heard from the Development Management Officer that, as the application was still within the publicity period for the re-consultation following the submission of amended information, some additional comments had been received since publication of the committee report pack.
The West Lindsey District Council Environmental Protection Team had recommended that a further condition be added to the decision, wording as follows: Prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted the noise management plan, which details all potential noise impacts from the site and how these will be mitigated and managed shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Any future mitigation and management, shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details, and that is in the interest of amenity in relation to the noise impacts of the proposal.
The Trees and Landscapes Officer from West Lindsey had stated, It is unclear why Scots Pine was removed from the landscaping plan, and replaced with blue spruce, but had offered no further comments on the scheme. Lincolnshire County Council had reiterated their original response and stated the following: The consultation response from Lincolnshire County Council remains as no objection.
An additional 12 objections had been received following the submission of amended information from neighbours .The comments were summarised as follows:
The amended proposal did seem to attempt to try and mitigate some of the concerns by residents. However, there were still concerns raised regarding the impact on neighbouring properties, noise, highway safety and flood risk.
There were comments raised regarding the discrepancies in the amended information, with particular regard to the public footpath, consultation with neighbours, and the flood risk assessment. Comments had been raised regarding the existing use of the site, which had never been granted planning permission for a caravan site, together with the welfare facilities, which were built without permission too.
This application had caused great upset for High Street residents, concerns regarding the root system of proposed hedging on boundaries had been raised.
After reviewing the amended plans, we can't see any significant difference to the original documents, therefore our original comments still apply. Additional conditions are suggested in relation to the relocation of welfare facilities, the entry and exit point of the footway leading through the site, and an amended landscaping plan is suggested.
The Chairman noted there were three registered speakers for the application and welcomed the first speaker, Caroline Leak, to address the Committee. She made the following statement.
“The main thing we would like to put across is that we really do believe in what we're trying to create and achieve, which is a place of peace and tranquillity for people to escape to ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
142758/142759 - 5-7 Market Place PDF 248 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced planning application number 142758 and listed building consent application number 142759 for change of use of first - third floor from offices to 3no. residential apartments, removal of existing and installation of timber shop front, installation of gate, removal of pantiles and installation of slate roof, removal of escape door, facade repair including brick replacement, mortar repair and stone cill replacement, structural works tying in west facade with floor, sash window repair and refurbishment and associated internal and external repairs and refurbishment. With no Officer update and no registered speakers, the Chairman invited comments from Committee Members.
It was confirmed that, had the application not been a West Lindsey District Council application, it would have been decided under delegated authority and, having been moved and seconded, with unanimous Member support it was agreed that permission and consent be GRANTED subject to the following conditions.
Conditions for Planning Application No: 142758 only:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To conform with Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
2. Development shall proceed in accordance with the following approved drawings: 7327 (08) 04 Rev C 7327 (08) 06 REV D 7327 (08) 08 REV C 7327 (08) 11 REV B 7327 (08) 12 7327 (08) 13 7327 (08) 14 SCH02 Window Repair Schedule
Reason: For the sake of clarity and in the interests of proper planning.
3. Prior to their installation, details of new external doors including elevations and sections at no less than 1:20 scale showing the door frame and cill details, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In the interests of preserving the architectural and historic interest of the listed building in accordance with Policy LP25 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
4. Prior to its installation, construction drawings for the new shop front at a scale of no less than 1:20, including sections, and details of the recessed doorway floor finish shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In the interests of preserving the architectural and historic interest of the listed building in accordance with Policy LP25 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
5. Prior to its installation, details of any new or replacement external staircase shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In the interests of preserving the architectural and historic interest of the listed building in accordance with Policy LP25 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
6. Prior to the removal of any external bricks and voussoir, a specification for the method of their removal shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
142929/142532 - Carr Lane, North Kelsey PDF 170 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman introduced two corresponding planning applications, the first being planning application number 142532for approval of reserved matters to erect 6no. dwellings, considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline permission 135868 granted 03 May 2018. The second being application number 142929 Outline planning application for residential development of up to 9no. dwellings - all matters reserved being removal of conditions 4, 5 & 6 of planning permission 135868 granted 3 May 2018 - removal of footpath provision and adoptable roads. The Principal Development Management Officer explained that the assumption had been made that the conditions relating to application number 142929 would be removed meaning the recommendation for application number 142532 would stand.
The Chairman invited the registered speaker, Hannah Shepherd, to address the Committee. She made the following statement.
“Thank you. Firstly, if you can just forgive me a few nerves. My architect would have loved to have been here tonight to do this but he’s not available.
So just to say, I have lived within the village of North Kelsey for several years. I’m not a large developer motivated purely by profit but a local resident wishing to provide a long term home for myself and my children, whilst also creating an attractive and sympathetic addition to the village.
I purchased the land with outline planning permission for nine dwellings. This has been reduced to six generous size family homes on the recent application with retention of two thirds of an acre of a paddock. All designs the materials have been sourced to create a traditional looking development, which I hope seeing looks to be an established part of the village. Furthermore, my proposal has been designed in consultation with neighbouring properties. Works within the planning framework and it's received no objections from any relevant authority. 10 comments were received in total over the two applications proportionally to the medium size village of North Kelsey. This does not seem to constitute a groundswell of local objection, many of the comments received are not in opposition of the revised layout, but to the development of the site and flood risk concerns in general. These comments were addressed within the previous application which was subsequently approved.
The resident of Beeches Farm on whom I believe the development has most effect has been in full support of the scheme and have been consulted throughout the design stage. The driveway was put next to his property at his request, and plot one has been positioned in order to allow morning sunlight to his decking area. This support has been voiced to the planning department.
Great care and consideration has been taken to limit the impact on the other neighbouring properties and input was also invited from them at the design stage. I believe the objections received by the counsellor from Back House and Lucas House, represent the vocal minority as they do not reflect the significant support I have received.
As previously stated, I will be living on a development ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the next planning application for consideration, number 142772for extension & remodelling of existing bungalow, and erect 1no. 1.5 storey bungalow including garaging & home offices.With no updates from the Officer, the Chairman invited the registered speaker, Mr Carl Medd, to address the Committee. Mr Medd made the following statement.
“Good evening, members of committee. I am the agent for the application in question and speak on behalf of the applicants in full support of the scheme.
We are here this evening because of objections received by neighbours, rather than more disappointingly the parish council. The scheme presented before you all this evening has undergone a rigorous design appraisal prior to the application being lodged. A pre application inquiry was submitted to the local authority planning department to enable us to interact and fully understand how we can positively integrate suitable design to the site. As such, this is not a cold application, which has just landed on the planning department’s desk without any upfront discussions, dialogue or technical inputs.
Following our pre application inquiry feedback from the case officer was digested by the agents, and the applicants, and the number of design changes were implemented to warrant a robust scheme, which you have seen tonight, and which the planning departments support or the case officers. We do understand that neighbours do not like change, however, the resultant layout sighting mass and design of the bungalows in question are all tailored to reflect the immediate surrounding context of properties along Mill Lane. The case officer has made it very clear in his report how the proposals have addressed the constraints and fully mitigate the challenges which were faced in delivering a suitable proposal for this site.
Regarding the comments published by the parish council. I'll be a little critical here so I do apologise if this offends any officers. I do actually wonder if the parish and town council, based on their observations have in fact studied the particulars which form this application. A number of their statements are worryingly incorrect and misleading. For example, the layout does not respect existing patterns of development. The last time I studied the layout, it was as per the case officer’s recommendations from the pre application inquiry, ie, two bungalows, side by side. Unless my eyes are blurred the entire length of Mill Lane comprises this established building rhythm - dwellings, side by side.
The proposed use of materials do not respect the development context is another observation from the parish council. Again, forgive me, but the existing bungalow which we are refurbishing, extending and remodelling is already rendered. Standing at the property and looking along the west side of Mill Lane, three of the four properties immediately adjacent to my client’s site are rendered. This does not include the seven properties, which are directly opposite my client site, which are also rendered. The proposed new build bungalow is also part rendered and references many of the dwellings in ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
142645 - Old Chapel Court, Waddingham PDF 124 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced planning application number 142645 for approval of reserved matters to erect 1no. dwelling, considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline planning permission 138417 granted 26 November 2018 - resubmission of 141752. The Senior Development Management Officer advised Members there was a variation to condition 7, in relation to the area to be protected from development. This area was slightly reduced in size and, as a result of the amendments, it had been agreed with the agent to change the description of the application in line with the most up to date permissions.
With no registered speakers, the Chairman invited comments from Members of the Committee. The Vice Chairman enquired as to why the protected area had been reduced in size. It was explained that the purpose of the protected area was to provide sufficient open space around the protected mill and the Conservation Officer had been satisfied that the change was small enough as to still retain the open space in relationship to the mill.
Members of the Committee supported the proposed design as sympathetic to the area and it was noted that, for clarity, a number of the objections detailed within the report were not material considerations and as such could not be considered in the decision making of the Committee.
With no further comments, the Chairman took the vote and it was unanimously agreed that permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions.
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:
Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:
1. No development must take place until details of the method of removal of excavated earth from the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This must include details of the use of the earth or where it will be deposited. The development must be completed in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To ensure the excavated earth is dealt with and removed from the site in an appropriate manner to accord with to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework, local policy LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2012-2036 and Policy 8 of the Draft Waddingham Neighbourhood Plan.
Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:
2. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this consent, the development hereby approved must be carried out in accordance with the following proposed drawings (dated 12th March 2021 unless stated):
· AR289(S3)-126 – Site Plan (Excluding indicative landscaping) · AR289(S3)-124 – North and South Elevation Plans · AR289(S3)-125 – East and West Elevation Plans · AR289(S3)-123 – Floor Plans
The works must be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and in any other approved documents forming part of the application.
Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans and to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework. ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
142872 - Cliff View, Aisthorpe PDF 138 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the final planning application of the evening, application number 142872 for front porch and single storey side and rear extensions. It was confirmed that the application was presented for a Committee decision solely because the applicant was related to an Officer of the Council. Had that not been the case, the decision would have been taken under delegated authority.
With no updates, speakers or questions from Committee Members, and having been proposed and seconded, it was unanimously agreed that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions.
Conditions stating the time by which the development must be commenced:
Conditions which apply or require matters to be agreed before the development commenced:
Conditions which apply or are to be observed during the course of the development:
1. With the exception of the detailed matters referred to by the conditions of this consent, the development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings:
Site Location ref. CF36 Rev 1 Proposed Site Plan ref. CF37 Rev 1 Proposed Model CF35 Rev 2 Floor Plans ref. CF35 Rev 2
The works shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and in any other approved documents forming part of the application.
Reason: To ensure the development proceeds in accordance with the approved plans and to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework and policy LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
2. The materials used in the development shall match those stated on approved drawing ref. CF35 Rev 2.
Reason: To ensure the use of appropriate materials to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.
Conditions which apply or relate to matters which are to be observed following completion of the development:
None. |
Determination of Appeals PDF 214 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The determination of appeals was NOTED. |